Information about planning and support of the written exams from the EXAM session and the Methodology of student registration

→ List of students who do not have the right to enrol for the ASC exam in the exam session (TBA)

Exam’s dates:

In order to participate to the written exam it is necessary for each student to complete the form (→ EXAM REGISTRATION - click on this link when you have decided!!) for confirming the date of the exam he/she is planned/wants to be enrolled in AT LEAST 48 hours before the chosen date of the exam.

After registration, each student will be assigned to one of the exam rooms. The distribution of students in the exam’s rooms will be displayed on the course website not earlier than 24 hours before each exam date.

It is assumed that each student comes to the exam with his section officially planned for the date, because the request for the exam rooms was made based on the balance that should exist between the planning of the two sections.

However, we accept according to the agreed convention that each of you can choose another exam date from the 4 possible ones (January 29, February 1, February 6 or February 7) regardless of group or section, if there is a well-founded personal or professional motivation.

ATTENTION! The form has to be filled in ONLY ONCE by each student! So please send your option ONLY when it is final because you CANNOT resend the registration form again !!!

Important: Students must be present in front of the assigned room 30 minutes before the time set for the start of the exam and will identify themselves based on their identity card. The entrance to the exam room will be done in an organized manner by occupying the place indicated by one of the supervisors from the exam room.

MOBILE PHONES WILL BE TURNED OFF during the written exam and will be deposited together with everything that means luggage, clothes in the hanger area, BEFORE occupying the assigned place in the hall. Mobile phones will only be opened AFTER leaving the room AND ONLY in the outer area of the examination room.

Students are allowed to have in their possession during the exam ONLY the papers to write on, the writing instruments and a bottle of water/juice if they consider it necessary. Failure to comply with these requirements will automatically and without exception lead to the elimination of that students from the exam.

Students who do not meet the conditions mandatory for entering the exam (according to the requirements here (ROEN) will not be admitted to the exam (even if they have scheduled themselves to it !!). Thus, may enter the exam ONLY students who have:

  • at least 11 attendances at the laboratory
  • at least 4 attendances at the seminar
  • minimum grade 5 for LABORATORY ACTIVITY
  • minimum grade 5 for PRACTICAL EXAMINATION

You can find the detailed situation of grades and attendances on the website (→ RO, → EN).

ATTENTION ! DO NOT register yourself in ACADEMIC INFO ! You have to enroll at the written exam ONLY by filling in the registration form indicated in the above link ! ANY DETAILS RELATED TO THE WRITTEN EXAMINATION (date, time, rooms, list of scheduled students) will be retrieved EXCLUSIVELY HERE ON THE COURSE PAGE (if there are any questions/concerns, please contact us on MS TEAMS)