Computer Systems Architecture
Study year 1, Computer Science, English section, 2024-2025
Professor: Lect. Dr. Alexandru Vancea <alexandru.vancea at>
The platform we use for course, seminar and laboratory materials: MS TEAMS
TIMETABLE IE1 SEM. 1 / 2024-2025
You can access the [2024-2025] Computer Systems Architecture - IE TEAM by using the following code 2td2hjk.
For seminar and laboratory materials you should be able to access the channel associated to your group. More details about how to connect to MS Teams are presented at Academic Info.
English section:
- Lect. Dr. VANCEA Alexandru, alexandru.vancea [at]
- Lect. Dr. CALIN Alina, alina.calin [at]
- C.d. asociat BODEA Nicolae
English section:
- C.d. asociat BODEA Nicolae
- C.d. asociat DAMSA Dinu
- C.d. asociat ILINOIU Flavius
- C.d. asociat MOCA Emanuel
- Lect. Dr. PETRESCU Manuela
- C.d. asociat TALPOS Andrea
- C.d. asociat TODASCA Daniel
You can access the [2024-2025] Arhitectura Sistemelor de Calcul - IR TEAM by using the following code ly15mwe.
For seminar and laboratory materials you should be able to access the channel associated to your group. More details about how to connect to MS Teams are presented at Academic Info.
Romanian section:
- Lect. Dr. VANCEA Alexandru, alexandru.vancea [at]
- Lect. Dr. SOTROPA Diana, diana.sotropa [at]
- Drd. BOTA Daniel, daniel.bota [at]
Romanian section:
- Drd. BOTA Daniel
- C.d. asociat IOJA IOSIF Andrei
- C.d.asociat MARGINEAN Tiberius
- C.d. asociat POP Ioan Daniel
- C.d. asociat TEREC Andrei
- C.d.asociat UILACAN Roxana
Course requirements
Course Slide
Course Slides are available on TEAMS
Practical examination
Important information for the practical test
- The subject for the practical test is the subject of the first 8 laboratory topics (including function calls topic)
- The students are allowed to use only the following documentation: Observations:
- To solve the problems from the practical test, the C functions will be used only for I/O type operations.
- The duration for the practical test is 1 hour
- During the practical test it is allowed to have the following programs opened: editor (a single file), the debugger, the cmd, the calculator, a browser (with maximum 3 tabs open: MOODLE, ASM instructions and C functions)
Exam session
Rezultatele examenelor din sesiunea de RESTANTE SI MARIRI de note 2025
Mid-term practical test
Saturday, 7th December 2024, students will have a mid-term practical test. The attendence is compulsory.
🔗 Schedule for mid-term practical test - 7th December 2024 (Quiz tab)
- Each student is required to be present IN FRONT OF THE ROOM WHERE HE/SHE WAS SCHEDULED FOR THE MID-TERM PRACTICAL TEST at least 15 minutes before the scheduled time.
- Due to the small number of computers in the laboratory rooms it is recommended to come with personal laptops !!!
Laboratory work
In order to test the weekly aquired knowledge for the laboratories and the seminars, during the hours the students will be given a quiz.
- Attendance & Grades: Computer Science, Romanian section, Computer Science, English section
- Laboratory 1 - numbering bases conversions, file editing, assembly / link-edit / debug
- Laboratory 2 - arithmetic expressions (additions, substractions, multiplications, divisions) - deadline: week 3
- Laboratory 3 - arithmetic expressions (additions, substractions, multiplications, divisions, variables) - deadline: week 5
- Laboratory 4 - bitwise operations - deadline: week 6
- Laboratory 5 - Comparison instructions, conditional jumps, loop instructions. String operations. - deadline: week 7
- Laboratory 6 - Instructions working on strings of bytes/words/doublewords/quadwords - deadline: week 8
- Laboratory 8 - Function calls. Text file operations - deadline: week 10
- Laboratory 11 - Multi-modul programming (asm+asm)
- Laboratory 12 - Multi-modul programming (asm+C)