Laboratory 2 - Examples

Simple examples

  1. Put a value in the AL register. Analyze the value with the debugger.
    mov AL, 7
    mov AL, 12
  2. Put a value in the AX register. Analyze the value with the debugger.
    mov AX, 256
    mov AX, -1
  3. Put a value in the EAX register. Analyze the value with the debugger.
    mov EAX, 40000
    mov EAX, -2
  4. Put two values in two different registers. Add the two values. Subtract the two value. Analyze the value with the debugger.
    mov AX, 300
    mov BX, 256
    add AX, BX
    sub AX, BX
  5. Compute 5 - 6. Analyze the result with the debugger.
  6. Compute AL * BL. Analyze the result with the debugger.
  7. Compute AX / BL. Analyze the result with the debugger.

Complex examples

; Write a program in the assembly language that computes the following arithmetic expression, considering the following data types for the variables:
; a - byte, b - word
; (b / a * 2 + 10) * b - b * 15;
; ex. 1: a = 10; b = 40; Result: (40 / 10 * 2 + 10) * 40 - 40 * 15 = 18 * 40 - 1600 = 720 - 600 = 120
; ex. 2: a = 100; b = 50; Result: (50 / 100 * 2 + 10) * 50 - 50 * 15 = 12 * 50 - 750 = 600 - 750 = - 150
bits 32 ;assembling for the 32 bits architecture
; the start label will be the entry point in the program
global  start 

extern  exit ; we inform the assembler that the exit symbol is foreign, i.e. it exists even if we won't be defining it

import  exit msvcrt.dll; exit is a function that ends the process, it is defined in msvcrt.dll
        ; msvcrt.dll contains exit, printf and all the other important C-runtime functions
segment  data use32 class=data ; the data segment where the variables are declared 
	a  db 10
	b  dw 40
segment  code use32 class=code ; code segment
	mov  AX, [b] ;AX = b
	div  BYTE [a] ;AL = AX / a = b / a and AH = AX % a = b % a
	mov  AH, 2 ;AH = 2
	mul  AH ;AX = AL * AH = b / a * 2	
	add  AX, 10 ;AX = AX + b = b / a * 2 + 10
	mul  word [b] ;DX:AX = AX * b = (b / a * 2 + 10) * b
	push  DX ;the high part of the doubleword DX:AX is saved on the stack
	push  AX ;the low part of the doubleword DX:AX is saved on the stack
	pop  EBX ;EBX = DX:AX = (b / a * 2 + 10) * b
	mov  AX, [b] ;AX = b
	mov  DX, 15 ;DX = 15
	mul  DX ;DX:AX = b * 15
	push  DX ;the high part of the doubleword DX:AX is saved on the stack
	push  AX ;the low part of the doubleword DX:AX is saved on the stack
	pop  EAX ;EAX = DX:AX = b * 15
	sub  EBX, EAX ;EBX = EBX - EAX = (b / a * 2 + 10) * b - b * 15
	push   dword 0 ;saves on stack the parameter of the function exit
	call   [exit] ; function exit is called in order to end the execution of
the program