AWD Projects 2024-2025

The Timeline of Time

This site was created by SORIN ROSALIM and was presented on Monday 13 January 2025.

You can see this word-site at

Technical details

  • Estimated work-time (in hours): 30
  • Number of pages: 5
  • Browser Support: Desktop (Chrome, Firefox, Edge, Safari); Mobile (Android 8+, iOS 12+)
  • Responsiveness and/or adaptability: It is responsive. It is adaptive.
  • Validity: HTML valid. CSS valid. Accessibility valid.

Additional utilities that have been used

  • Preprocessors: - -
  • CSS libraries for layout: Bootstrap, Grid, Animate.css
  • Frameworks: Bootstrap 5
  • Fonts: Google Font: Inconsolata

Optimization elements

  • HTML structure: Separate CSS from JS files. Include JS file at the bottom of HTML.
  • CSS libraries for layout: none
  • Images: Fonts for Icons. - -

Other details

  • Personal contributions: Time is how we understand and measure change in the world. Ancient people used the sun, moon, and stars to tell time, while today, we use clocks and calendars. Time connects the past, present, and future, helping us make sense of life and progress. My project explores how different periods in history, ancient, medieval, modern, and the future have understood and measured time, showing how important it is in every part of human life.

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