AWD Projects 2024-2025

Pattern Game

This site was created by RAZVAN POSTESCU and was presented on Monday 13 January 2025.

You can see this word-site at

Technical details

  • Estimated work-time (in hours): 15
  • Number of pages: 2
  • Browser Support: Microsoft Edge, Google Chrome, Safari
  • Responsiveness and/or adaptability: It is responsive. It is adaptive.
  • Validity: HTML valid. CSS valid. Accessibility valid.

Additional utilities that have been used

  • Preprocessors: - -
  • CSS libraries for layout: flex layout
  • Frameworks: Angular
  • Fonts: Arial
  • Other: ...

Optimization elements

  • HTML structure: Separate CSS from JS files.
  • CSS libraries for layout: HTML. CSS.
  • Images: - -

Other details

  • Responsiveness elements: responsiveness done just by CSS
  • Personal contributions: Pattern- that word. It's like the universe itself whispered it into existence, right? A pattern isn't just something you just see, it's something you feel. It's this cosmic echo, a ripple in the fabric of everything. Like, look around—patterns are everywhere: in the veins of leaves, in the way we breathe, in the rhythm of our thoughts. And it's terrifyingly beautiful because it's both chaos and order smashed together, holding hands, making love. Philosophically? A pattern is like... the universe's signature. It's how reality says, "Hey, I'm not random. I'm here. I exist. And I allow you to notice me!" Buuuuuut what if patterns aren't just "out there"? Instead what if they're our way of coping with infinity? Like, we'r

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