Exploring the Meaning of Color
You can see this word-site at https://d2exrar81eekig.cloudfront.net/
Technical details
- Estimated work-time (in hours): 12
- Number of pages: 3
- Browser Support: Tested on: Chrome, Edge and Firefox and different dimensions
- Responsiveness and/or adaptability: It is responsive.
- Validity: HTML valid. CSS valid.
Additional utilities that have been used
- Preprocessors: - -
- CSS libraries for layout: Angular material
- Frameworks: Angular
- Fonts: Google Font: Open Sans/ Apple System: Bl
- Other: Deployed on aws
Optimization elements
- HTML structure: Separate CSS from JS files.
- CSS libraries for layout: HTML.
- Images: CSS sprites. - -
- Other: Most of the images are svg.
Other details
- Responsiveness elements: The header is an adaptive element and all the rest is dynamic content resizing.
- Personal contributions: The pictures on the site don't belong to me. During all the research, the first thing that always came to my mind when I was thinking about the word "color" was the Roumanian expression "râs colorat". Therefore, my own definition of this world would be that its essence represents the ability to animate the ordinary, being the language of language of diversity and vibrancy. The word "color" reflects the vivid spectrum of both emotions and expressions.