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Technical details
- Estimated work-time (in hours): 40
- Number of pages: 1
- Browser Support: Desktop (Firefox, Chrome, Safari, Edge), Mobile (Android, IOS)
- Responsiveness and/or adaptability: It is responsive. It is progressive enhanced. It is adaptive.
- Validity: HTML valid. CSS valid. Accessibility valid.
Additional utilities that have been used
- Preprocessors: - -
- CSS libraries for layout:
- Frameworks:
- Fonts: Superclarendon
Optimization elements
- HTML structure: Separate CSS from JS files. Include JS file at the bottom of HTML.
- CSS libraries for layout: none
- Images: - -
Other details
- Responsiveness elements: The website uses CSS flexbox and media queries to adjust content structure, font size and image size for responsiveness
- Personal contributions: We have this innate curiosity about what's beyond the Earth's atmosphere, how we look up at the night sky and are left in awe by the beauty in front of us, how we named the stars and the planets because we understood their importance, and how we dream about someday reaching them. It is quite well known that remnants of the Big Bang make up the chemistry of everything around us, from Earth to our own bodies, and maybe it is why we have such a fascination towards SPACE, as it is essentially the birthplace of our existence.