AWD Projects 2024-2025

Organisation Word Meaning

This site was created by COSMIN NEAMTIU and was presented on Monday 13 January 2025.

You can see this word-site at , or at

Technical details

  • Estimated work-time (in hours): 20
  • Number of pages: 3
  • Browser Support: Chrome
  • Responsiveness and/or adaptability: It is responsive. It is progressive enhanced. It is adaptive.
  • Validity: HTML valid. CSS valid.

Additional utilities that have been used

  • Preprocessors: - - SCSS
  • CSS libraries for layout:
  • Frameworks: Angular 19
  • Fonts:

Optimization elements

  • HTML structure: Separate CSS from JS files.
  • CSS libraries for layout: HTML. CSS.
  • Images: Fonts for Icons. - -

Other details

  • Responsiveness elements: images, heading, paragraphs
  • Personal contributions: Organisation for me had different meaning, I found it intersting to start with disorganisation, from being disorganised to being organised. There's a definition of being organised and then there's quotes about being organised and what effect of slight changes to the word could have upon the meaning of the word

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