Team Exploration
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Technical details
- Estimated work-time (in hours): 18
- Number of pages: 1
- Browser Support: For Angular 19.0.7: Chrome, Edge, Safari, iOS, Android(2 most recent major versions) and Firefox(latest and extended sup
- Responsiveness and/or adaptability: It is responsive. It is progressive enhanced. It is adaptive.
- Validity: HTML valid. CSS valid. Accessibility valid.
Additional utilities that have been used
- Preprocessors: - -
- CSS libraries for layout: fluid layouts, flex container
- Frameworks: Angular 19.0.7, Angular Material
- Fonts: Google Font: Roboto; "Helvetica Neu
- Other: I used Typescript instead of Javascript.
Optimization elements
- HTML structure: Separate CSS from JS files. Include JS file at the bottom of HTML.
- CSS libraries for layout: HTML. CSS.
- Images: - -
Other details
- Responsiveness elements: responsive navbar, sidebar, flex containers, resizable images resizable content when sidebar is open
- Personal contributions: HTML, CSS, typescript and content written completely by author. A team is a place where everyone shares ideas, challenges each other to grow, and works together to achieve great things. A team brings together the most essential ingredients for creating a great recipe for success. The necessary ingredients are inclusion, collaboration, conflict management, active listening, and more. These elements represent only the framework—the foundation of a true team—because without equal collective effort and the acceptance of all members actively contributing toward a shared goal, a team cannot exist. Each member has a fundamental role to play, adding to the unified and assured success of the team.