You can see this word-site at , or at
Technical details
- Estimated work-time (in hours): 20
- Number of pages: 1
- Browser Support: Desktop (Edge 132, Firefox 133, Safari 18, Opera 114, Chrome 132); Mobile (Stock browser on Android 4.0+, Safari on iOS
- Responsiveness and/or adaptability: It is responsive. It is adaptive.
- Validity: HTML valid. CSS valid. Accessibility valid.
Additional utilities that have been used
- Preprocessors: - -
- CSS libraries for layout: just grid and flex
- Frameworks: no
- Fonts: Inter
Optimization elements
- HTML structure: Separate CSS from JS files. Include JS file at the bottom of HTML.
- CSS libraries for layout: none
- Images: - - mozjpeg
- Other: Using media queries for responsive design
Other details
- Responsiveness elements: Responsiveness elements: Responsive layout with media queries Resizable images set to max-width: 100% Mobile-friend
- Personal contributions: All CSS written from scratch by the author All pictures (if any) are from free stock sites or personally created, optimized with pngcrush/jpeg