Oferte de practica - Grupuri de cercetare
- Prof. dr. Anca Andreica, Research groups: ICA – Applied computational intelligence, Sectie Master: Baze de date
- Tehnici de segmentare a imaginilor
- Prof. dr. Istvan Czibula, Research groups: MLyRE - Machine learning research group, ICA – Applied computational intelligence, Sectie Master: Software engineering, Inteligenta computationala aplicata
- iIDE - Intelligent Integrated Development Environment - Search based software engineering approaches for software engineering activities. Research the future of IDEs beyond the current state of the art.
- Better refactoring: identify code smells, duplicate/similar code fragments, suggest appropriate refactoring
- Understanding APIs usage - code completion on higher level of abstraction, API usage pattern recomandation
- Automated testing: test generation, test case selection
- Identifying hidden dependencies
- Gamification inside the IDE
- Software visualization
- Prof. dr. Gabriela Czibula, Research groups: MLyRE - Machine learning research group, ICA – Applied computational intelligence, Sectie Master: Software engineering, Inteligenta computationala aplicata
- Prof. dr. Laura Diosan, Research group: ICA - Applied computational intelligence, Sectie Master: Software engineering, Inteligenta computationala aplicata, Baze de date
- ML-based medical image analysis
- Affective computing
- Complex networks
- Prof. dr. Horia F. Pop, Research group: ICA - Applied computational intelligence, Sectie Master: Inteligenta computationala aplicata
- Comparative experiments in Data analysis
- Conf. dr. Darius Bufnea, Research group: Sisteme distribuite si comunicatii web, MOS - Research Center of Modelling, Optimisation and Simulation, Sectii Master: Baze de date, Calcul de înaltă performanţă şi analiza volumelor mari de date
- Client side content filtering based on user's interest
- Evaluating Different Java Bindings for MPI and Java Message Passing Libraries
- Conf.dr. Grigoreta Cojocar, Research group: Software engineering, Sectie Master: Software engineering
- Automatic Identification of Crosscutting Concerns In Object Oriented Systems
- Reverse Engineering of Aspect-based Software Systems
- Conf. dr. Florin Craciun, Research group: Software engineering, Sectie Master: Software engineering
- Region-based Memory Management for BigData Applications and DeepLearning Applications (3-4 studenti)
- Conf. dr. Darabant Adrian, Research group: Aplicatii interdisciplinare bazate pe calcul de inainta performanta, Sectie Master: Baze de date, Calcul de înaltă performanţă şi analiza volumelor mari de date
- Metode de extragere de informatii din imagini
- Metode de extragere de informatii din imagini si secvente video
- Conf. dr. Adriana Guran, Research group: Software engineering, Sectie Master: Software engineering
- Educational Software Design - A Child Centered Approach
- Preschoolers Serious Games Design
- User Experience Assessment of Preschool Children Interactive Applications
- Use of Sentiment Analysis for Assessing Preschool Children Experience with Educational Software
- Designing storytelling support for Kindergarten Classrooms
- Conf. dr. Simona Motogna, Research group: Software engineering, Sectie Master: Software engineering
- Human Values in Software
- Study of Automated static analysis tools (ASATs)
- Continuous Inspection of Software Quality
- Conf. dr. Virginia Niculescu, Research group: MOS - Research Center of Modelling, Optimisation and Simulation, Sectie Master: Calcul de înaltă performanţă şi analiza volumelor mari de date
- CUDA implementation of numerical algorithms based on set-valued distributions
- HPC implementations in Transport phenomena in bidisperse porous media domain. ○ Free convection in a 3D enclosure filled by a bidisperse porous medium 3D model->Alternating Direction Implicit numerical method (ADI) in 3D->Parallel computation (Tutor: T. Grosan and V. Niculescu)
- Scientific workflow systems. Applications.
- Parallel Programming Patterns vs. Workflow Systems Patterns
- Java parallel applications: performance evaluation, frameworks, test suites (tutors: V. Niculescu and Adrian Sterca and Darius Bufnea)
- Parallel computation models based on recursive data structures
- Step method for some integral equations (tutors: Marcel Serban and Virginia Niculescu)
- Ewald Sum Methods for Long Range Interactions (tutors: prof. Titus Beu (Faculty of Physics) and V. Niculescu)
- Conf. dr. Camelia Serban, Research group: Software engineering
- Bad smell detection in Object-Oriented Design based on metrics
- Software quality assessment
- Designing E-learning platforms for an effective learning
- Smart speakers in education
- Conf. dr. Adrian Sterca, Research group: Sisteme distribuite si comunicatii web, Sectie Master: Baze de date
- Transational scheduling algorithms for jobs in high performance computing clusters
- Index databases for searching inside video streams
- Transactional memory scheduling algorithms
- Index databases for search engines
- Conf. dr. Andreea Vescan, Research group: TESTUM, Sectii Master: Software engineering, Sisteme distribuite in internet
- Code Smell Detector for SQL Queries
- Testing Embedded Systems
- Emotion Based Automated Priority Prediction for Bug Reports
- Test Case Prioritization in Regression Testing
- Program Comprehension in Embedded Systems
- Software Product Line
- Lect. dr. Ioana Ciuciu, Research group: MOS - Research Center of Modelling, Optimisation and Simulation, Sectii Master: Calcul de înaltă performanţă şi analiza volumelor mari de date
- Real time Big Data Visualization - a review
- Big Data Query Interfaces - a comparison
- Ontology-based comparative analysis of Software Quality Models
- Big (Sensor) Data processing architecture. A Case Study on Smart Home monitoring
- Lect. dr. Lehel Csato, Research group: ICA – Applied computational intelligence, Sectie Master: Inteligenta computationala aplicata
- Comparing Deep Learning methods and Sparse Dictionary selection for recognition systems
- Lect. dr. Horea Grebla, Research group: Sisteme distribuite si comunicatii web, Sectii Master: Baze de date
- Studiu comparativ pentru implementarea unui sistem de cache software folosind facilitati noi ale SGBD relationale vs motoare NoSQL (3 studenti)
- Lect. dr. Mihaiela Lupea, Research group: ICA – Applied computational intelligence, Sectie Master: Inteligenta computationala aplicata
- Similarity measures for Romanian words based on RoWordNet and other resources
- Lect. dr. Dana Lupsa, Research group: ICA – Applied computational intelligence, Sectie Master: Inteligenta computationala aplicata
- Lexical Semantics. Experiments and Applications
- Lect. dr. Adriana Coroiu, Research group: ICA – Applied computational intelligence, Sectie Master: Inteligenta computationala aplicata
- Modele de Machine Learning in lupta impotriva Schimbarii Climatice
- Lect. dr. Sabina Surdu, Research group: Sisteme distribuite si comunicatii web, Sectie Master: Baze de date
- Optimizarea consumului de resurse in procesarea fluxurilor de date
- Lect. dr. Gaceanu Radu, Research Groups: ICA - Applied Computational Intelligence, Sectie Master: Software Engineering
Oferte de practica - alte universitati
- University of Ljubljana, Slovenia