

Generates samples from a Gaussian process.


samp = ogpsample(x, approx, kxx, kxbv, rseed);


ogpsample(x) takes a GLOBAL Spase OGP data structure net together with a matrix x of input vectors and returns a matrix of realisations of the marginal Gaussian distribution at the inputs x

samp = ogpsample(net, x, approx),with the binary indicator approx set to nonzero,samples from a restricted subspace by inverting only the covariance matrix correpsonding to the BV set and ignoring the Schuur complement of Kxx with respect to Kbv.

samp = ogpsample(net, x_inputs, approx, kxx, kxbv) uses the pre-computed prior covariance matrices kxx and kxbv to generate the samples. This increases efficiency if several calls to ogpsample are made.

The time required for this sampling procedure is cubic with respect to the size of the inputsdue to the inversion of the covariance matrix. Use it with caution.

If approx is used, then there are ``only'' as many random variables generated as many BV points are in the Gaussian process structure net, meaning that matrix inversion of the size of the BV set is to be performed.

samp = ogpsample(net, x, approx, kxx, kxbv, rseed) includes the option of specifying the seed for the random number generator. Used to generate the same random numbers in repeated samples -- for different kernels. If the matrices are not computed, then empty matrices [] should be used instead.

See Also

ogp, ogpinit, ogpfwd

Pages: Index

Copyright (c) Lehel Csató (2001-2004)