Research Interests
- Evolutionary Computation
- Swarm Intelligence
- Complex Networks
- Cellular Automata
- Bioinformatics

My research work focuses on the development of computational models (mainly using evolutionary algorithms and nature-inspired search heuristics) for complex problems such as combinatorial optimization problems, clustering, classification and problems from bioinformatics.
Computational Intelligence models
- Evolutionary algorithms
- Swarm intelligence techniques
- Local search methods
- Learning algorithms
- Hybrid search methods
Some problems of interest
- Community detection in complex networks
- Density classification in Cellular Automata
- Routing optimization problems
- Gene clustering from microarray data
- Protein structure prediction
Current research directions (selection)
- Evolutionary models and learning
- Analysis of complex networks using computational intelligence tools
- AI models for medical image analysis
- Hybrid evolutionary approaches for combinatorial optimization
- Human activity recognition using Hybrid Artificial Intelligence Systems