Accepted Papers

Raymond Devillers and Ronny Tredup Complexity of Distributed Petri Net Synthesis
Guoliang Dong, Jingyi Wang, Jun Sun, Sudipta Chattopadhyay, Xinyu Wang, Ting Dai, Jie Shi and Jin Song Dong Repairing Adversarial Texts through Perturbation
Jaap Boender and Goran Badevic Formal Verification of a Keystore
Nicholas Moore and Mark Lawford Towards the Formal Verification of RapidIO via Static Analysis and Theorem Proving
Francesco Parolini and Antoine Miné Sound Static Analysis of Regular Expressions for Vulnerabilities to Denial of Service Attacks
Yulong Bao, Xue-Yang Zhu, Wenhui Zhang, Wuwei Shen, Pengfei Sun and Yingqi Zhao On Verification of Smart Contracts via Model Checking
Erwan Mahé, Christophe Gaston and Pascale Le Gall Equivalence of Denotational and Operational Semantics for Interaction Languages
Shaohong Zhu and Zhangrong Qin LC4EA: A Low-Code Tool for Automated Generation of Enterprise Application
Fanqi Meng, Xuesong Wang, Jingdong Wang and Peifang Wang Automatic Classification of Bug Reports Based on Multiple Text Information and Reports’ Intention
Yide Du, Weijiang Hong, Zhenbang Chen and Ji Wang Collaborative Trace Abstraction-Based Verification of Uninterpreted Programs
Bai Jun Cheng, Yan Hui Guo, Yan Ren, Gang Yang and Guo Sheng Xu MSDetector: A Static PHP Webshell Detection System based on Deep-Learning
S. Arun-Kumar Extending process algebra with an undefined action
Conor Reynolds and Rosemary Monahan Machine-Assisted Proofs for Institutions in Coq
Hannes Kallwies, Martin Leucker, Meiko Prilop and Malte Schmitz Optimizing Trans-Compilers in Runtime Verification makes Sense – Sometimes
Haitao Zhang and Bowen Pu Testing Vehicle-Mounted Systems: A Stepwise Symbolic Execution Approach for OSEK/VDX Programs
Ying Gao, Meng Wang and Bin Yu Dynamic Specification Mining based on Transformer
Chunxi Zhang Dynamic Environment Simulation for Database Performance Evaluation
Racem Bougacha, Régine Laleau, Simon Collart-Dutilleul and Rahma Ben Ayed Extending SYSML with refinement and decomposition mechanisms to generate EVENT-B specifications
Chaymae El Jabri, marc frappier, thibaud Ecarot and Pierre-Martin Tardif Development of monitoring systems for anomaly detection using ASTD specifications
Marcello Bonsangue, Georgiana Caltais, Hui Feng and Hünkar Can Tunç A Language-based Causal Model for Safety
Harald König and Uwe Wolter Consistency of Heterogeneously Typed Behavioural Models: A Coalgebraic Approach
Xiaochao Tang, Zhengfeng Yang, Xuanming Fu, Jianlin Wang and Zhenbing Zeng Improving Adversarial Robustness of Deep Neural Networks via Linear Programming
Kim Guldstrand Larsen, Anders Mariegaard, Stefan Schmid and Jiri Srba AllSynth: Transiently Correct Network Update Synthesis Accounting for Operator Preferences
Imran Riaz Hasrat, Peter Gjøl Jensen, Kim Guldstrand Larsen and Jiri Srba End-to-End Heat-Pump Control Using Continuous Time Stochastic Modelling and Uppaal Stratego
Salim Yahia Kissi, Ameur-Boulifa Rabéa and Yassamine Seladji Security vulnerabilities detection through assertion-based approach
Sean Kauffman and Martin Zimmermann The Complexity of Evaluating nfer
Alexandru-Ioan Lungu and Dorel Lucanu Supporting Algorithm Analysis with Symbolic Execution