Babes-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca
Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science
Study Cycle: Master


MID1009 Decision Support Systems
Hours: C+S+L
Component-Based Programming - in English
Intelligent Systems
Teaching Staff in Charge
Lect. PREJMEREAN Vasile, Ph.D.,
The students will be able to have a:
a) knowledge about general theory and specific DSS theory;
b) good understanding of hands-on applications
c) systematic knowledge about what the designer of a DSS needs to know;
1. Introduction.
1.1. What is a DSS?
1.2. The Components of a DSS.
2. Decision Making.
2.1. Rational Decisions, Definitions of Rationality, Bounded Rationality and Muddling Through.
2.2. The Nature of Managers, Appropriate Data Support, Information Processing Models.
2.3. Group Decision Making
3. Decisions and Decision Modeling
3.1. Types of Decisions
3.2. Human Judgment and Decision Making
3.3. Modeling Decisions
3.4. Components of Decision Models
4. Normative Systems
4.1. Normative and Descriptive Approaches
4.2. Decision-Analytic Decision Support Systems
4.3. Equation-Based and Mixed Systems
5. Data Component
5.1. Characteristics of Information
5.2. Databases to Support Decision Making
5.3. Database Management Systems
5.4. Data Warehouses
5.5. Data Mining and Intelligent Agents
6. Model Component
6.1. Models, Representation, Methodology
6.2. Model Based Management Systems, Access to Models, Understandability of Results
6.3. Integrating Models, Sensitivity of a Decision
7. Intelligence and Decision Support Systems
7.1. Programming Reasoning - Backward Chaining Reasoning and Forward Chaining Reasoning
8. User Interfaces to Decision Support Systems
8.1. Support for Model Construction and Model Analysis
8.2. Support for Reasoning about the Problem Structure in Addition to Numerical Calculations
8.3. Support for Both Choice and Optimization of Decision Variables
9. Graphical Interface
9.1. The Action Language, Menus
10. Mail Component
10.1. Integration of Mail Management
10.2. Implications for DSS Design
1.Alter, S. L. Decision support systems: current practice and continuing challenges. Reading, Mass., Addison-Wesley Pub., 1980.
2.Delic, K.A., Douillet,L. and Dayal, U. $Towards an architecture for real-time decision support systems:challenges and solutions, 2001.
3.Druzdzel, M. J. and R. R. Flynn. Decision Support Systems. Encyclopedia of Library and Information Science. A. Kent, Marcel Dekker, Inc., 1999
4.Finlay, P. N., Introducing decision support systems. Oxford, UK Cambridge, Mass., NCC Blackwell; Blackwell Publishers, 1994.
5.French, S. and Geldermann, J. The varied contexts of environmental decision problems and their implications for decision support. Environmental Science and Policy 8 (2005), 378–391.
6.French, S., Carter, E., and Niculae, C. Decision support in nuclear and radiological emergency situations: Are we too focused on models and technology? International Journal of Risk Assessment and Management (2007).
7.Gachet, A. Building Model-Driven Decision Support Systems with Dicodess. Zurich, VDF, 2004.
8.Gadomski, A.M. at al.An Approach to the Intelligent Decision Advisor (IDA) for Emergency Managers.Int. J. Risk Assessment and Management, Vol. 2, Nos. 3/4., 2001.
9.Larissa T. Moss, Shaku Atre, Business Intelligence Roadmap: The Complete Project Lifecycle for Decision-Support Applications By Publisher: Addison Wesley Professional Pub Date: February 25, 2003 Print ISBN-10: 0-201-78420-3 Print ISBN-13: 978-0-201-78420-6 Pages: 576 Slots: 2.0
10.Little, J.D.C. $Models and Managers:The Concept of a Decision Calculus.$ Management Science, Vol.16,NO.8, April, 1970.
The final grade will rezult from the evaluation of the laboratory work and of a final exam.
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