VPERMQ — Qwords Element Permutation

Opcode/Instruction Op/En 64/32 -bit Mode CPUID Feature Flag Description

VEX.256.66.0F3A.W1 00 /r ib

VPERMQ ymm1, ymm2/m256, imm8

RMI V/V AVX2 Permute qwords in ymm2/m256 using indexes in imm8 and store the result in ymm1.

Instruction Operand Encoding

Op/En Operand 1 Operand 2 Operand 3 Operand 4
RMI ModRM:reg (w) ModRM:r/m (r) Imm8 NA


Use two-bit index values in the immediate byte to select a qword element in the source operand, the resultant qword value from the source operand is copied to the corresponding element of the destination operand in the order of the index field. Note that this instruction permits a qword in the source operand to be copied to multiple locations in the destination operand.

An attempt to execute VPERMQ encoded with VEX.L= 0 will cause an #UD exception.


VPERMQ (VEX.256 encoded version)

DEST[63:0] ← (SRC[255:0] >> (IMM8[1:0] * 64))[63:0];
DEST[127:64] ← (SRC[255:0] >> (IMM8[3:2] * 64))[63:0];
DEST[191:128] ← (SRC[255:0] >> (IMM8[5:4] * 64))[63:0];
DEST[255:192] ← (SRC[255:0] >> (IMM8[7:6] * 64))[63:0];

Intel C/C++ Compiler Intrinsic Equivalent

VPERMQ: __m256i _mm256_permute4x64_epi64(__m256i a, int control)

SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions


Other Exceptions

See Exceptions Type 4; additionally

#UD If VEX.L = 0.