| G. Serban, A New Reinforcement Learning Algorithm | 3 |
 | M. Vancea, A. Vancea, Scheduling Optimality for the Parallel Execution of Logic Programs | 15 |
 | D. Tatar, G. Serban, Words Clustering in Question Answering Systems | 23 |
 | M. Popa, G. M. Trimbitas, Applications of Spatial Databases and Structures to the Study of Miocene Deposits of Borod Basin | 33 |
 | A. Onet, An approach on semantic query optimization for deductive databases | 43 |
 | P. Haller, Scalable platform for multimedia group communication | 55 |
 | D. Akume, The Loan-bank Contract: A Swap Option | 65 |
 | D. Dumitrescu, C. Grosan, V. Varga, Stochastic Optimization of Querying Distributed Databases I. Theory of four Relations Join | 79 |
 | V. Niculescu, A Design Proposal for an Object Oriented Algebraic Library | 89 |
 | D.A. Filip, Srdjan Stojanovic, “Computational financial mathematics using Mathematica: optimal trading stocks and options”, Birkhauser Verlag, Boston-Basel-Berlin, 2003, XI+481 pages | 101 |
 | D. Dumitrescu, Yorick Hardy, Willi-Hans Steeb, “Classical and Quantum Computing with C++ and Java Simulations”, Birkhauser Verlag, Basel–Boston–Berlin, 2001 | 103 |
 | H.F. Pop, Brigitte Chauvin, Philippe Flajolet, Daniele Gardy, Abdelkader Mokkadem Eds., “Mathematics and Computer Science II: Algorithms, Trees, Combinatorics and Probabilities”, Birkhauser Verlag, Basel-Boston-Berlin, 2002, ISBN 3-7643-6933-7, 557 pages | 105 |