| T. Jucan, C. Vidrascu, Concurency-Degrees for Petri Nets | 3 |
 | S. Motogna, F-Bounded Quantification and the Matching Relation | 16 |
 | P.P. Blaga, A General Class of Nonproduct Quadrature Formulas | 23 |
 | T. Petrila, Complex Value Boundary Elements Methods (CVBEM) for Some Mixed BVP | 37 |
 | C. Popescu, Blind Signature and Blind Multisignature Schemes Using Elliptic Curves | 43 |
 | D. Radoiu, A. Roman, A Component Based Approach for Scientific Visualization of Experimental Data | 50 |
 | D.M. Suciu, Extending Statecharts for Concurrent Objects Modeling | 65 |
 | F.M. Boian, C. Ferdean, Half Synchronized Transition Systems | 77 |
 | D. Dumitrescu, M. Oltean, An Evolutionary Algorithm for Theorem Proving in Propositional Logic | 87 |
 | A. Onet, D. Tatar, Semantic Representation of the Quantitative Natural Language Sentences | 99 |
 | E. Munteanu, M. Frentiu, Professor Grigor Moldovan at his 60th Anniversary | 110 |