Adaptive Web Design (MME8120)

is an optional master-level course that focuses on creating accessible websites that adapt to various devices and screen sizes. The course highlights the importance of content, considering both structural design and the overall message conveyed to users.

Course details

Section syllabus language MS Teams code
Databases (ro) BD: MME8120 English 9af7kio
Advanced Informatics Systems (de & en) SIA: MME8120

Previous generations & projects

Acad. year # students BD SDI IS SIA ICA MA DS HPC ERASMUS
2024-2025 81 26 3316 3 2 1
2023-2024 62 133 23 19 1 2 1
2022-2023 39 2 1 15 18 2 1
2021-2022 65 16 17 23 3 1 5
2020-2021 21 11 2 8
2019-2020 25 12 1 7 4 1
2017-2018 (II) 65 28 27
2017-2018 (I) 100 45 31 24
2016-2017 51 20 31

Invited speakers

Dr. Ioan-Gabriel Mircea, Lecturer, shared his perspective on design, tracing its origins from the birth of the universe to modern times.

His narrative wove together insights from astronomy, philosophy, physics, mathematics, biology, computer science, cinematography, religion, and art, highlighting recurring design patterns.

The first lecture explored the emergence of life on Earth, while the second brought the story into the present. Below are the whiteboard sketches from both sessions.

20231211_GabiMircea-Design first week 20231211_GabiMircea-Design second week

Content of the talks

  • front-end reactive programming: reactive (Vue, React), web-components (Stencil)
  • state management; communication between cousins (event bubbling, "channels"); redux (vuex); tight coupling
  • descriptiv; pushing the effects out of the system; Falcor; Om Next (cljs); Elm; mentioning Purescript
  • functional programming in general if there is time
  • GraphQL si Apollo, two widely used JS tools

Talks given by ...

Vasile Adrian Rosian

Vasile Adrian Roșian

Adrian has 12 years of programming experience out of which 10 professional (8 years as a freelancer, 2 with his own company), 4 years of functional programming. He designed and executed systems in the banking industry, booking travel for aviation and hotels, payments, e-commerce, end-to-end encrypted communications, chat systems. He has been a member of implementation teams for remote education systems, insurance ETL, speech recognition, document classification, blockchain and e-wallets, PSPs. Worked with python, php, clojure, java, go, haskell, elm, javascript, octave, swift, erlang, purescript, c, c ++, with databases in mysql, postgresql, sqlite, mongo, couchdb, h2 and framework the languages related to each language.

Claudiu Ceia
Claudiu Ceia

Claudiu is a self-taught programmer who has worked 4 years at Facebook, in Ireland and Silicon Valley. He is an amateur security tester (participates in CTF competitions).

He also worked on Facebook's Php compiler, Hack, the former Hip-Hop, so he has back-end and compiler experience.


This course was originally introduced as Web Design and Optimization (MLE5038) for undergraduate students in the 2012-2013 academic year and ran for three years.

Renamed Adaptive Web Design (MME8120) and redesigned for master’s students, it has been offered continuously since its launch in 2016-2017.

year, sem language) code: Name activity course held by
2024-2025, 3 MME8120: Adaptive Web Design* C S Sanda-Maria Avram
2023-2024, 3 MME8120: Adaptive Web Design* C S Sanda-Maria Avram
2022-2023, 3 MME8120: Adaptive Web Design* C S Sanda-Maria Avram
2021-2022, 3 MME8120: Adaptive Web Design* C S Sanda-Maria Avram
2020-2021, 3 MME8120: Adaptive Web Design* C S Sanda-Maria Avram
2019-2020, 3 MME8120: Adaptive Web Design* C S Sanda-Maria Avram
2017-2018, 2 MME8120: Adaptive Web Design* C S Sanda-Maria Avram
2016-2017, 4 MME8120: Adaptive Web Design* C S Sanda-Maria Avram
2014-2015, 6 MLE5038: Web Design and Optimization* L C Sanda-Maria Avram
2013-2014, 6 MIC0017: Web Design and Optimization* L C Sanda-Maria Avram
2012-2013, 6 MIC0017: Web Design and Optimization* L C Sanda-Maria Avram