Students can maximize their gain from the teaching process by closing at least half the gap between themselves and their teachers. It benefits them to actively participate, engage in discussions, seek clarity on unfamiliar terms, and maintain open, honest communication.
Communication is at the heart of teaching. To strengthen it, we need to understand who the participants are, the roles they play, and how we can actively improve the communication process.
On June 29, 2024, the Computer Science section in German celebrated its 10th anniversary. Prior to the event, we were asked to write something about ourselves, and I wrote:
Pune mare preț pe sinceritate și adevăr, considerând că relaționarea interumană este esențială chiar și într-un cadru formal. Crede că atât informatica, cât și viața în general au o logică ce ne permite să le înțelegem; mai mult, putem aduce exemple dintr-o parte în alta pentru a o face. Vede frumusețea actului didactic în strălucirea din ochii celor prezenți, care se aprinde când intervine o înțelegere mai profundă, confirmată verbal printr-un "Es macht Sinn!" Se bucură de entuziasmul și perspectiva noii generații, mai ales când aceștia discută cu pasiune despre tehnologie și cercetare.
Values honesty and truth, considering that human relationships are essential even in a formal setting. Believes that both computer science and life in general have a logic that allows us to understand them; moreover, we can bring examples from one side to the other to do so. Sees the beauty of the teaching act in the twinkle in the eyes of those present, which lights up when a deeper understanding occurs, verbally confirmed by "Es macht Sinn!" Enjoys the new generation's enthusiasm and perspective, especially when when discussing technology and research passionately.
On November 29, 2015, I attended the second edition of (i.e., an event organized to provide first-year students with an opportunity to interact with us, their teachers, in a more relaxed setting). Asked afterwards about my experience, I said:
Destresiunea e un loc în care studenți și profesori se pot întâlni ca egali. E un loc în care ne reamintim că aceste roluri sunt doar imaginare și că de fapt atunci când interacționăm o facem în primul rând ca și oameni.
Destresiunea is a place where students and teachers can meet as equals. It's a space where we are reminded that these roles are just imaginary, and when we interact, we do so primarily as humans.
It's worth reflecting on the idea that the only differences between teachers and students are a few years and varying levels of experience. This does not excuse students from being equal participants in the communication process.
Regarding communication, George Bernard Shaw's insightful observation stated: The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place.
This underscores the importance of actively asking questions whenever terms or concepts are unclear.
Ethics and morality are essential in creating an environment that supports both teaching and learning. I encourage the practice of five ethical principles that I deeply value and uphold:
On a personal level, these rules promote well-being and enhance mental clarity, which in turn aids concentration and learning. At the societal level, they contribute to harmony within the community.