Master Theses

I supervise undergraduate/batchelor thesis since 2014. From the thesis coordinated by me 15 were already defended and 4 are still work in progress.

Completed Theses

Year Section Title
2024DSIAdvancements in Dental Care through Deep Learning
2024SIADental application with on-device A.I. for enhanced oral care
2024SIAOptimierung der Informationsrückgewinnung für die Sentimentanalyse eines Patienten-Feedback-Systems mit automatischen Antworten
2024SIASound feature extraction for early detection of COPD using artificial intelligence
2023SDRețele neuronale convoluționale în TensorFlow pentru detectarea tumorilor cerebrale utilizând învățarea prin transfer
2021SDComponente web, abordare micro frontends in contextul dezvoltarii aplicatiilor web
2021BDExtragerea continutului principal din pagini web utilizand structura documentelor HTML si proprietati de stil
2020SIAE-Learning Platform: Aeon Academy
2019ISAplicaţii Web Interconectate
2019BDData Mining în Social Media
2019BDMetrici de similitudine între texte
2017SDManagementul infrastructurii IT prin ChatOps
(en: IT infrastructure management through ChatOps)
2017SDSistem distribuit de detectie si blocare a atacurilor informatice
(en: Distributed cyber attack detection & prevention system)
2016ISProduct processing inside E-Commerce Content Management Systems
2014SDReal time game applications in the browser