
... the bachelor's thesis or master's dissertation

Outline of the writing phase

Some of these steps should be carried out in parallel with steps in the research and implementation phase described in Prerequisite.

Step: Description
Draft the Paper or Thesis:

Follow the faculty's required format, including citations and references.

Write the sections/chapters in the 2-3-1-4 order to reflect the natural progression outlined in the Prerequisite, even though they will appear in the 1-2-3-4 order in the final work:

Revise and Proofread: Edit for clarity, coherence, and precision. Ensure the paper meets academic standards and the research is presented logically.
Submit for Review: Submit your work to your supervisor or a peer-reviewed journal for feedback and potential revisions.

Examples of PhD Thesis

Models worth following include actual research papers encountered during the literature review phase. Additionally, I recommend PhD theses, as researchers at that level typically demonstrate a higher level of writing proficiency.

... written in English

... written in Romanian