I welcome inquiries regarding research collaborations, teaching opportunities, and academic guidance. If you are interested in my coordination for Bachelor’s or Master’s theses, please refer to the Teaching » Coordination » Decision page and follow the outlined steps.
NOTE: I am unable to supervise PhD students. For information on applying to a PhD program at our faculty, please visit Admission » Doctoral...
MSTeams: - preferred -
Email: sanda.avram[at]ubbcluj.ro
*Students are asked to write from @stud.ubbcluj.ro
Office No. 406, Teodor Mihali Street, No.58-60, 400591, Cluj-Napoca, Cluj, România
Department of Computer Science, Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, "Babeș-Bolyai" University, No. 1, N. Kogalniceanu Street, 400084, Cluj-Napoca, România