This site emerged from a need to simplify everything while focusing on the message through carefully curated and relevant information.
So, I rebuilt it from the ground up!
It actually began as an inquiry to ChatGPT, requesting a website example with the simplest navigation. The initial response was promising. :) However, multiple iterations were necessary, along with corrections, adjustments, and optimizations. In the end, it turned out quite satisfactory.
I hope you'll enjoy it and give me some feedback. :)
- insights from the WDO optional course were applied, along with direct feedback from colleagues and students
- usability testing candidate used for a WDO seminar
- broke out of the previous layout to experiment with a dashboard-style design
- slight improvements to the previous layout: repositioning & realigning elements and experimenting with gradients
- significant life changes led to a new design as I return to UBB as an assistant professor
- PhD student website at DCU
- my very first personal website as a student at UBB