// A server that accepts pairs of numbers, transmitted as text and separated by whitespace, and sends back their sums using System; using System.Net; using System.Net.Sockets; using System.Threading; using System.Threading.Tasks; struct IntReaderData { public int partValue; public bool toContinue; public static IntReaderData init() { IntReaderData ret; ret.partValue = 0; ret.toContinue = true; return ret; } } static class TaskHelper { private static void auxLoop(Func loopingPredicate, Func> loopFunc, R start, TaskCompletionSource ret) { if (!loopingPredicate(start)) { ret.SetResult(start); return; } Task tmpResFuture = loopFunc(start); tmpResFuture.ContinueWith((Task v) => { auxLoop(loopingPredicate, loopFunc, v.Result, ret); }); } //template //Future public static Task executeAsyncLoop(Func loopingPredicate, Func> loopFunc, R start) { TaskCompletionSource ret = new TaskCompletionSource(); auxLoop(loopingPredicate, loopFunc, start, ret); return ret.Task; } } class Session { private Session(Socket conn) { _conn = conn; _buffer = new byte[10]; _size = 0; _pos = 0; } private Task ReadNextChar() { Task readNext; if (_pos >= _size) { _pos = 0; readNext = Receive(_conn, _buffer, 0, _buffer.Length) .ContinueWith((Task nrBytesRead) => { _size = nrBytesRead.Result; }); } else { readNext = Task.CompletedTask; } return readNext.ContinueWith((Task task) => { if (_size == 0) { // Console.WriteLine("At EOF"); return '\0'; } byte b = _buffer[_pos]; ++_pos; char c = (char)b; if (c == '\n' || c == '\r' || c == '\t') { c = ' '; } else if (c != ' ' && (c < '0' || c > '9')) { Console.WriteLine("Unexpected caracter: {0} ({1})", c, ((byte)c)); c = ' '; } // Console.WriteLine("Read char {0} ({1})", c, ((byte)c)); return c; }); } Task ReadNextInt() { Task taskSkipWhitespace = TaskHelper.executeAsyncLoop( (char c) => { return c == ' ' || c == '\n'; }, (char c) => ReadNextChar(), ' '); Task> taskReadAndConvert = taskSkipWhitespace.ContinueWith((Task firstChar) => { // In the following, for the second element of the tuple, bit 0 means continue reading, bit 1 means at least 1 char has been successfully read. Tuple start = ((firstChar.Result != '\0') ? Tuple.Create((firstChar.Result - '0'), 3) : Tuple.Create(0, 0)); return TaskHelper.executeAsyncLoop( (Tuple current) => { return ((current.Item2 & 1) != 0); }, (Tuple current) => ReadNextChar().ContinueWith((Task c) => { Tuple ret = ((c.Result >= '0' && c.Result <= '9') ? Tuple.Create(current.Item1 * 10 + (c.Result - '0'), 3) : Tuple.Create(current.Item1, 2)); // Console.WriteLine("Returning tuple ({0}, {1})", ret.Item1, ret.Item2); return ret; }), start); }).Unwrap(); return taskReadAndConvert.ContinueWith((Task> lastVal) => ((lastVal.Result.Item2 & 2) != 0 ? (int?)(lastVal.Result.Item1) : (int?)(null))); } // Processes one request. Returns a Task that completes with true if the request is processed successfully, or false if the client closes the connection Task ProcessOneRequest() { return ReadNextInt() .ContinueWith((Task a) => { if (a.Result.HasValue) { return ReadNextInt().ContinueWith((Task b) => (b.Result.HasValue ? ((int?)(a.Result.Value + b.Result.Value)) : ((int?)(null)))); } else { return Task.FromResult((int?)(null)); } }).Unwrap() .ContinueWith((Task sum) => { if(sum.Result.HasValue) { return SendSum(sum.Result.Value).ContinueWith((Task t) => true); } else { return Task.FromResult(false); } }).Unwrap(); } private Task SendSum(int v) { string s = string.Format("{0}", v); byte[] b = new byte[s.Length + 1]; for (int i = 0; i < s.Length; ++i) { b[i] = (byte)s[i]; } b[s.Length] = 10; return Send(_conn, b, 0, b.Length); } private Task ProcessOneClient() { return TaskHelper.executeAsyncLoop( (bool b) => b, (bool b) => ProcessOneRequest(), true); } public static void Main(string[] args) { try { int port = Int32.Parse(args[0]); Console.WriteLine("Listening on port {0} ...", port); IPEndPoint listeningEndpoint = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, port); using (Socket listeningSocket = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Unspecified)) { listeningSocket.Bind(listeningEndpoint); listeningSocket.Listen(10); TaskHelper.executeAsyncLoop( (bool b) => true, (bool b) => { Task sock = Accept(listeningSocket); sock.ContinueWith((Task conn) => (new Session(conn.Result)).ProcessOneClient()); return sock.ContinueWith((Task conn) => true); }, true).Wait(); } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("Exception caught: {0}", ex); } } static Task Receive(Socket conn, byte[] buf, int index, int count) { TaskCompletionSource promise = new TaskCompletionSource(); conn.BeginReceive(buf, index, count, SocketFlags.None, (IAsyncResult ar) => { int bytesRead = conn.EndReceive(ar); // Console.WriteLine("Read {0} bytes", bytesRead); promise.SetResult(bytesRead); }, null); return promise.Task; } static Task Send(Socket conn, byte[] buf, int index, int count) { TaskCompletionSource promise = new TaskCompletionSource(); conn.BeginSend(buf, index, count, SocketFlags.None, (IAsyncResult ar) => promise.SetResult(conn.EndSend(ar)), null); return promise.Task; } static Task Accept(Socket listeningSocket) { TaskCompletionSource promise = new TaskCompletionSource(); listeningSocket.BeginAccept((IAsyncResult ar) => { Socket connSocket = listeningSocket.EndAccept(ar); Console.WriteLine(connSocket != null ? "Client connected" : "Accept() returned null"); promise.SetResult(connSocket); }, null); return promise.Task; } private Socket _conn; private byte[] _buffer; private int _pos = 0; private int _size = 0; }