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practical work no. 1
Graph algorithms - practical work no. 1
Due: week 5-6.
Design and implement an abstract data type directed graph
and a function (either a member function or an external one, as your choice)
for reading a directed graph from a text file.
The vertices will be specified as integers from 0 to n-1, where
n is the number of vertices.
Edges may be specified either by the two endpoints (that is, by the source and target),
or by some abstract data type Edge_id (that data type may be
a pointer or reference to the edge representation, but without
exposing the implementation details of the graph).
Additionally, create a map that associates to an edge an integer value
(for instance, a cost).
Required operations:
- get the number of vertices;
- parse (iterate) the set of vertices;
- given two vertices, find out whether there is an edge from the first one to the
second one, and
retrieve the Edge_id if there is an edge (the latter is not required if
an edge is represented simply as a pair of vertex identifiers);
- get the in degree and the out degree of a specified vertex;
- parse (iterate) the set of outbound edges of a specified vertex (that is, provide
an iterator). For each outbound edge, the iterator shall provide the Edge_id
of the curren edge (or the target vertex, if no Edge_id is used).
- parse the set of inbound edges of a specified vertex (as above);
- get the endpoints of an edge specified by an Edge_id (if applicable);
- retrieve or modify the information (the integer) attached to a specified edge.
- The graph shall be modifiable: it shall be possible to add and remove
an edge, and to add and remove a vertex. Think about what should happen
with the properties of existing edges and with the identification of
remaining vertices. You may use an abstract Vertex_id instead
of an int in order to identify vertices; in this case, provide
a way of iterating the vertices of the graph.
- The graph shall be copyable, that is, it should be possible to make an
exact copy of a graph, so that the original can be then modified
independently of its copy. Think about the desirable behaviour of an
Edge_property attached to the original graph, when a copy is made.
- Read the graph from a text file (as an external function); see the format below.
- Write the graph from a text file (as an external function); see the format below.
- Create a random graph with specified number of vertices and of edges (as an external function).
The operations must take no more than:
- O(deg(x)+deg(y)) for: verifying the existence of an edge
and for retrieving the edge between two given vertices.
- O(1) for: getting the first or the next edge, inbound or outbound to a
given vertex; get the endpoints, get or set the attached integer
for an edge (given by an Edge_id or, if no Edge_id is defined,
then given by its source and target); get the total number of vertices or
edges; get the in-degree or the out-degree of a given vertex.
Other requirements:
- The object returned by the parse functions shall not allow modifying the graph
through its public functions. So, don't return sets by reference.
Return iterators.
- Generally, make sure the graph cannot be brought in an inconsistent state
by applying public functions on various accessible objects.
Note: You are allowed to use, from existing libraries, data
structures such as linked lists, double-linked lists, maps, etc.
However, you are
not allowed to use already-implemented graphs (though, you are encouraged
to take a look at them).
Text file format: the graph will be read from a text file
having the following format:
- On the first line, the number n of vertices and the number m
of edges;
- On each of the following m lines, three numbers, x,
y and c, describing an edge: the origin, the target and the
cost of that edge.
Sample (partial) documentation
Random generator gen-digraph.cpp
Large input files:
Optional operations (bonus)
- Do the implementation in two distinct languages - one of them being Java (~2p), C# (~2p), C++ (~4p).
Radu-Lucian LUPŞA