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Graph algorithms - Bellman-Ford algorithm


Given a graph with no negative costs cycles and two vertices s and t, find a minimum cost walk from s to t.


The algorithm keeps two mappings:

Initially, dist[s]=0 and dist[x]=∞ for x ≠ s; this reflects the fact that we only know a zero-length walk from s to itself.

Then, we repeatedly performs a relaxation operation defined as follows: if (x,y) is an edge such that dist[y] > dist[x] + c(x,y), then we set:

The idea of the relaxation operation is that, if we realize that we have a better walk leading to y by using (x,y) as its last edge, compared to what we know so far, we update our knowledge.

The algorithm

    G : directed graph with costs
    s, t : two vertices
    dist : a map that associates, to each accessible vertex, the cost of the minimum
            cost walk from s to it
    prev : a map that maps each accessible vertex to its predecessor on a path from s to it
    for x in X do
        dist[x] = ∞
    end for
    dist[s] = 0
    changed = true
    while changed do
        changed = false
        for (x,y) in E do
            if dist[y] > dist[x] + c(x,y) then
                dist[y] = dist[x] + c(x, y)
                prev[y] = x
                changed = true
            end if
        end for
    end while

Proof of correctness

The proof is in three parts:

For the last two parts, we notice that, at iteration k, we have that dist[x] ≤ wk,x (see the Bellman's dynamic programming algorithm). This makes the Bellman-Ford finish in at most n-1 iterations and end with the correct distances.

Radu-Lucian LUPŞA