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Graph algorithms - Dijkstra's algorithm


Given a graph with non-negative costs and two vertices s and t, find a minimum cost walk from s to t.


Dijkstra's algorithm still relies on Bellman's optimality principle; however, it computes distances from the starting vertex in increasing order of the distances. This way, the distance from start to a given vertex doesn't have to be recomputed after the vertex is processed.

This way, Dijkstra's algorithm looks a bit like the breadth-first traversal; however, the queue is replaced by a priority queue where the top vertex is the closest to the starting vertex.

The algorithm

    G : directed graph with costs
    s, t : two vertices
    dist : a map that associates, to each accessible vertex, the cost of the minimum
            cost walk from s to it
    prev : a map that maps each accessible vertex to its predecessor on a path from s to it
    PriorityQueue q
    Dictionary prev
    Dictionary dist
    q.enqueue(s, 0)              // second argument is priority
    dist[s] = 0
    found = false
    while not q.isEmpty() and not found do
        x = q.dequeue()      // dequeues the element with minimum value of priority
        for y in Nout(x) do
            if y not in dist.keys() or dist[x] + cost(x,y) < dist[y] then
                dist[y] = dist[x] + cost(x, y)
                q.enqueue(y, dist[y])
                prev[y] = x
            end if
        end for
        if x == t then
            found = true
    end while

Proof of correctness (for non-negative costs)

Non-negative costs case

We claim that, when a vertex is dequeued from the priority queue, its dist is equal to the cost of the minimum cost walk from the start to it.

Suppose the contrary. Let x be the first vertex for which the above statement is false. So, we have that dist[x] is strictly smaller than the cost of the minimum cost walk from s to x.

Let S be the set of vertices that were in the priority queue and have already been dequeued from it when x gets dequeued (x∉S). On the best walh from s to x the vertex just before x cannot be in S, otherwise dist[x] would have been correctly computed when that vertex was dequeued.

So, let (y,z) be the first edge on the minimum cost walk from s to x that exists S.

In the image below, the upper walk is the minimum cost walk, and the lower one is the one found by the algorithm, and implied by the values of dist and prev.

However, since x is at the top of the priority queue and not z, we have that cost(s,...,y,z) ≥ cost(s,...,x) and, since all edges have non-negative costs, cost(z,...,x) ≥ 0. Therefore, the bottom walk, found by the algorithm, cannot have a larger cost than the minimum cost walk, which prove our claim.

The case of negative costs

Radu-Lucian LUPŞA