Article no.7

Analysis of the Effectiveness of the Treatment of Solid Tumors in Two Cases of Drug AdministrationResearch Paper, February 22, 2021 / Lorand Gabriel Parajdi

Published in AIMS Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering 18(2), 1845-1863, DOI: 10.3934/mbe.2021096 2021.

  The full paper is available on the AIMS Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering website:

Authors: Lorand Gabriel Parajdi1, Radu Precup1, Marcel-Adrian Șerban1 and Ioan Ștefan Haplea2

Department of Mathematics, “Babeş–Bolyai” University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania Department of Internal Medicine, “Iuliu Haţieganu” University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Cluj-Napoca, Romania

Abstract: A complete stability analysis of the equilibrium solutions of a system modeling tumor chemotherapy is performed in two cases of administration of the treatment, by continuous infusion and by periodic infusion. Several numerical simulations illustrate and complement the theory.

Keywords: Generalized logistic model; Solid tumor; Stability; Equilibrium point; Numerical simulation; Dynamic system.

Cite As: Parajdi LG, Precup R, Șerban M-A, Haplea IȘ. Analysis of the effectiveness of the treatment of solid tumors in two cases of drug administration. Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering. 2021; 18(2):1845-1863.
