Project in Data Science

  • Activity on Ms Teams, access code: h6x3czd.
  • The Project will report the research part of the internship topic.
  • Deliverables:
    • Report 1
      • content:
        • The title of the research
        • A few paragraphs explaining the intended working plan.
      • deadline:
        • week 4, Friday, 8 pm
      • submission form
    • Report 2
      • content:
        • A refined table of contents of the research
        • relevant bibliography entries. For each reference, the report will provide a summary and how it contributes to the overall research context.
      • deadline:
        • week 6, Friday, 8 pm
      • submission form
    • Report 3:
      • content:
        • final report
      • deadline:
        • week 10, Friday, 8 pm
      • submission form
    • Final presentation:
      • SWOT analysis & conclusions about the project. The presentation will include a summary of the project, the main contribution of the student and an introspective of the student’s work in terms of challenges, strengths (benefits, lessons learned), and opportunities (ways to improve and extend)) and impact. The deliverable is a recorded PowerPoint presentation of a maximum of 10 minutes length.
      • deadline:
        • week 12, Friday, 8 pm
      • submission form
  • Remarks
    • Each activity has a grade (between 1 to 10). Each week delay is penalised with 1 point.
    • Final grade = 10% Report 1 + 20% Report 2 + 50% Report 3 +20% Final presentation
    • Retake session:
      • Students will confirm their intention to be evaluated via email no later 2 days before the scheduled retake date;
      • All files can be submitted (considering delay as for week 13)
      • submission form