Object-Based Databases and Semistructured Data

Content of Object-Based Databases and Semistructured Data Course

The development of object-database systems in two distinct paths: object-oriented database

systems and object-relational database systems.
The design of object-database systems, the Object Definition Language (ODL).
Query languages for object-database systems
- Method Declaration in ODL.
- The OQL language
- The SQL3 language
Object-relational programming in Oracle 10i.
- Complex objects (Object Type)
- Select - from - where expressions using methods of objects, attributes of complex objects.
Query optimization in object-relational database systems: extensions of the relational database

systems query optimization.

The semistructured data model.
- Basic syntax
- XML and semistructured data
- Document Type Definition
- Stylesheets
The Document Object Model
Quering semistructured data
- Un-SQL query language
- XQuery query language