-- tables for tests CREATE TABLE fragments(idf integer, dimf integer); -- table about fragments ----idf - fragment id, ----dimf - fragment dimension) CREATE TABLE sites(ids integer, dims integer, dimlib integer); -- table about sites ------ ids - site id ------ dims - will be calculated as the sum of the dimension of the fragments stored on the site ------ dimlib - free space dimension of the site, this dimension will be seted CREATE TABLE memf(idf integer, ids integer, init integer); -- table about the distribuition of fragments on sites ------ idf - fragment id ------ ids - site id ------ init - initial setting (0 or 1, useful in testing) CREATE TABLE queries(idq integer, ids integer, nr_repetition integer); -- table of queries ------ idq - query id ------ ids - the id of the site where the query was initiated ------ nr_repetition - the number of repetition of the query in this site CREATE TABLE evaluation(idq integer, idf integer, dimu number(5,3)); -- table of query evaluation ------ idq - query id ------ idf - fragment id needed by the query ------ dimu - the fragment's dimension which will be used by the binary operator