☰ Research Institute - Workshop - 21 June 2017
Room L321, Campus
- 8.00-8.20: Catalin Baciu - A novel reinforcement learning based approach for class integration test order optimization
- 8.20-8.40: Csaba Sulyok - Evolutionary Music Composition
- 8.40-9.00: Silvana Albert - Machine Learning in Proteomics
- 9.00-9.20: Oliviu-Bogdan Botocan - HACGA: An artifacts-based clustering approach for malware classification
- 9.20-9.50: Vlad-Sebastian Ionescu - Contributions to solving real world problems using Machine Learning models
- 9.50-10.20: Annamaria Szenkovits - Model-based testing of reactive systems with intelligent methods
- 10.20-10.40: Alina Calin - Improving Gesture Recognition through Intelligent Movement Analysis
- 10.40-11.00: Filep Levente - Middleware for hybrid cloud computing
- 11.00-11.20: Robert A. Rill - Measuring Human Parameters in Divided Attention
- 11.20-11.40: Danut Ovidiu Pop - Recognizing Pedestrians using Cross-Modal Convolutional Networks
- 11.40-12.00: Anamaria Briciu, Mihaiela Lupea - RoEmoLex, A Romanian Emotion Lexicon
- 12.00-12.20: Lehel Csato - Representations and challenges in Deep Learning
- 12.20-12.40: Bota Florentin - Computational Models with Applications in Complex Systems