Javascript & DOM

Javascript is the most used programming language in 2020 according to Github and Stackoverflow and maintains top positions on other top charts.

Javascript – main properties

Javascript is a lightweight scripting language (language used to control the browser) that is run on the client-side (browser). It was initially developed by Netscape and Sun Microsystems and introduced first in the Netscape Navigator 2.0. The language is intended to add interactivity and dynamic functionality to HTML pages. Javascript is interpreted, not compiled and inserted directly in HTML pages. It is an object-oriented language that inherits many features from Java, nevertheless it is not Java. Javascript is understood by most browsers, is an event-based language, weakly typed. The current standard version is ECMAScript 2020 (ES11), but browser conformance is ECMAScript 2015 (ES6) -2016 (ES7). Although for a lot of time Javascript was used onli within the browser, at the client side, for a couple of years now, it is also used at the server-side, as node.js.

What can Javascript do ? Well, it can detect the type of browser, it can react to various events of the browser, it can alter the structure of the html document (modify, delete, add tags on the run-time), and it can validate data before being sent to the server. However, it can not modify local (client) files.

We now outline the base elements of Javascript. Js inherits from Java simple data types, operators, instruction syntax. Js has predefined objects: DOM-related and general objects: Array, Boolean, Date, Error, EvalError, Function, Math, Number, Object, Range Error, ReferenceError, RegExp, String, SyntaxError, TypeError, URIError . Js has some global functions (not related to objects): decodeURI, decodeURIComponent, encodeURI, encodeURIComponent, eval, isFinite, isNaN, parseFloat, parseInt. Comments in Javascript are written as in Java using // or /*…*/. Js is weakly-typed: a variable can be bound to a specific type, then to a different type, during the course of a program execution. In the following sections, we discuss various parts of the language.

Types and literals (constant values)

We start with the constants. There are the following constants in the Javascript language:

Variables and constants

Javascipt is a loosly-typed language. This implies the following three things: a) a variable can be bound to different types during its lifetime; b) the value of a variable is automatically converted to other types when necessary; c) the type of a variable needs not be declared. A variable is declared with var or let or just by assigning a value to it:

var name;
root="some text"; 
i = root+1; // i="some text1"
let x = 2;
Variables declared with let have block scope and variables declared withvar or no var (i.e. variables declared without var, just by assigning a value to it) have global scope (if declared outside a function) or function scope (if declared inside a function). A variable without a value assigned to it will be evaluated to undefined or NaN (depending on the context), if it was declared with var or will give a run-time error if it was not declared with var. A variable is global (declared outside any function) or local to a function or has block scope (if declared with let ). Since Javascript is also a functional language, we can also have function variables:

var f = function(a, b) {
return a+b;
f(2, 3); // calling the function

Constants declare entities that don't change value (as opposed to variables). The scope of a constant is block-level.

const z = 10;
const s = "web";
s = "programming";	 // throws error !


In Javascript, there are 3 types of expressions: arithmetic (evaluated to a number), string and boolean (evaluated to true or false). The operators avaliable in Js are: In the category of special operators we have 10 operators, most of them being available in other programming languages:

Automatic type conversion system (implicit type coercion)

Part of the loosly-typed or dynamic typed language property, we have in Javascript an automatic type conversion system. This means when applying operators, javascript automatically converts parameters to the same type, depending on the context:

a = "string"+2;		→ "string2"
b = 2+"3"		→ "23"
c =2+true		→ 3
d = "string"+false	→ "stringfalse"
[]==0			→ true
10-"1"			→ 9


Many instructions of Javascript, if not all, are borrowed from Java. We have the following categories of instructions in Javascript: To illustrate the difference between the three types of 'for' cycles that exist in Javascript, we show the following code example that cycles over the values of an array.

var a = [ 'x', 'y', 23 ];
a.Test = "foo";
for (i=0; i<a.length; i++) {
}  	// will print: x, y, 23
for (var i in a) { 
}	// will print: 0, 1, 2, test
for (var i of a) { 
} 	// will print: x, y, 23 
a.forEach(function(elem) { console.log(elem); });  // will print  x, y, 23


Strings are in Javascript sequences of Unicode chars, each char being 1 or 2 UTF-16 code units. Strings variables, even string literals, are actually objects which have methods, some of the most useful ones being:


In Javascript, collections are simple arrays. Each value of an array can have a simple type (number, string) or a complex one (array, object), and each value of an array has an index/key that is always an integer number. Although, a Javascript array is just a sequence of values, actually Javascript arrays are special kind of objects, meaning they have methods associated with them; these methods will be detailed later. In Javascript there are also multi-associative arrays which are also called Javascript objects - to be discussed later on. There are several ways of creating arrays in Js:

var array1 = new Array(2, 3, 5); 
var array2 = Array("abc", "de", "fghij"); 
var array3 = [0, "abc", 2];
var array4 = new Array(arrayLength); 
var array5 = Array(arrayLength);
Arrays can be itterated as you have seen previously using the 3 forms of the 'for' loop or using 'while' or 'do while' cycles. There is also a 'forEach' method available on the Array object. Please also note that the Array.length is the highest index in array + 1 (NOT the number of elements!):

var a = [ 1, 2, 10];
a[20] = 11;
console.log(a.length); // will print 21
Arrays, as I said before are special kind of objects in Javascript, so they have methods (i.e. we can call methods on an array object). Some of the Array methods are:


The eval() is a special function, it is like a miniaturized Javascript interpreter. The function eval(string) does the following: if string is an expression, evaluates the expression and if string is a sequence of javascript statements, it executes those statements.
Example :

eval("2+3")   	 → 5
a=2; eval("a+4") → 6
eval("var x=2; console.log(x);")  → create global variable x=2 and print 2 on the console

Functions. Javascript as a functional programming language

In Javascript, functions are first class citizens meaning that: Function syntax
Functions are usually declared in the <head> tag and called all over the html file. The syntax of declaring a function is:

function name_fct(parameters, arguments) {
... statements ...
where parameters represent specific parameters sent to the function, arguments contain a variable number of arguments; the variable arguments can be accessed inside the function through arguments[i],where i goes from 0 to arguments.length.
All primitive parameters are passed to the function by value. Only object properties changes are visible outside the function (if param is an object). If no return is present, Javascript returns undefined for the call to that function.

Rest parameters
Another way of accessing a variable number of parameters is:

function f(x, y, ...restArgs) {
	for (let value of restArgs) { 

f(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6); // x=1, y=2, restArgs=[3,4,5,6]
Function expressions
Because Javascript is also a functional programming language, function names can be used as arguments for other functions or values for variables. Code example:

function cubic(x) { return x*x*x; }
var squareFuncVar = function square (x) { return x*x; }

function map(f, a) { 
	for(i=0; i<a.length; i++) { 
var v = [ 1, 2, 3 ];
map(cubic, v);	// will print 1, 8, 27
map(squareFuncVar, v);	// will print 1, 4, 9
Creating functions using the Function constructor

var sum = new Function('x', 'y', 'return x+y');
Functions created with the Function() constructor do not create closures to their creation context, they are created in the global context. They will only be able to access their own local variables and global ones, not the ones from the scope in which the Function constructor was called. All functions, created with Function()constructor or with "function" keyword are actually objects (of the prototype Function).

Anonymous functions
In Javascript, we can declare anonymous functions. This are useful when you don't have to call them (for example if this function is an event handler) or you only need to call them once. Code example:

Ex.1:  var square = function(a) { return a*a; }
square(2);  // calling the function

Ex.2:  (function(a) { 
   	return a*a;
}) (3);     // this function is auto-called after the declaration; returns 9
Function scope
Variables defined inside a function can not be accessed outside the function. But a function can access all variables from the scope in which it is defined: if the function is defined in global scope, it can access all variables defined in the global scope; if the function is defined inside another function, it can access all variables (and parameters) defined by its parent function and all variables to which the parent function has access. Functions are hoisted (i.e. in the same file, they can be called before the line in which they are defined).

Inner functions and closures
A nested (inner) function can only be accessed from statements in the outer function. The inner function forms a closure: the inner function can use the parameters and variables of the outer function, while the outer function cannot use the arguments and variables of the inner function. A closure provides a form of encapsulation for the variables of the inner function.
Closure example:

function outer(a, b) {
var c = 3;
function inner (x, y) {
// a, b, and c are all accessible here
x = x+y+c*(a+b);
return x;
inner(a, b);
Default parameters
Javascript allows functions with default values for parameters.

function sum(a, b = 0) {
return a+b;

sum(2); // returns 2
Arrow function expressions
The ideea of arrow function notation is that instead of:
function(param1, param2, ..., paramN) {
we can write: (param1, param2, ..., paramN) => { statements }. Which is just a shorter syntax for writting a function.

The arrow function expression (param1, param2, ..., paramN) => expression
is equivalent to: (param1, param2, ..., paramN) => { return expression; }
Parentheses are optional when there's only one parameter name:
(singleParam) => { statements }
singleParam => { statements }
The parameter list for a function with no parameters should be written with a pair of parentheses:
() => { statements }

Code example:

var materials = [  'Hydrogen',  'Helium',  'Lithium', 'Beryllium']; 

console.log( m => m.length));
// will output: Array [8, 6, 7, 9]

Classes & Objects

Js is a prototype-based language, it does not distinct between a class and a class instance (object). It only has objects. An object is an associative array (dictionary) augmented with a prototype. Almost all objects in Javascript are instances of Object. Javascript objects inherit properties and methods from Object.prototype (prototype is a property of Object). The prototype pattern implies creating a new object by cloning an existing one (a prototype). The current object is referred with this; inside a function, this refers to the object on which the function is called; if that object does not exist, this is the global object (i.e. the browser window).

There are two syntaxes for working with objects in Javascript: Objects. Creation, properties, methods
Creating objects in Javascript can be done in 3 different ways: Objects are deleted using delete objectName. Properties of objects are accessible by or obj[index_property] or obj["property"] - all these are equivalent. Also, new properties can be added to an existing object on run-time using the syntax: obj.newProp=val.

The ES6 class syntactic sugar
ECMAScript 2015 (ES6) introduced some syntactic sugar for defining classes in order to make object-oriented programming in Javascript more similar to other languages like Java, although the Javascript object model remained the same, prototypical. A code example with the ES6 class syntactic sugar is the following:

class Student {
	constructor(firstName, lastName, year) {
		this.firstName = firstName;
		this.lastName = lastName;
		this.year = year;
var stud = new Student("Adrian", "Sterca",3);
Class expressions
Class expressions are just like function expressions, meaning you can une anonymous classes, you can redefine an object method when instantiating the object etc.

let stud = class {		// unnamed class
	constructor(firstName, lastName, year) {
		this.firstName = firstName;
		this.lastName = lastName;
		this.year = year;
let stud = class Student {	// named class
	constructor(name) { = name;}
Methods, static methods, setters & getters
Using the ES6 class-based syntax, we can define static methods and setters and getter functions. Setter and getter functions have special syntax and they add pseudo-properties to the class. They can not be used for real properties (i.e. the ones defined in the constructor of the class). A static method can only be called using the class name, not the object name.

class Student {
	constructor(firstName, lastName) {
		this.firstName = firstName;
		this.lastName = lastName;
		this.grades = [ ];

	// Getters & Setters are used to create pseudo-properties.  
	// You can't use them on a real property (specified in constructor). 
	get studyYear() { return this.year; }              // getter
	get specialization()  { return this.spec; }        // getter
	set studyYear(year) { this.year = year; }           // setter
	set specialization(spec)  { this.spec = spec; }     // setter

	// method
	addGrade(course, grade) { this.grades[course] = grade; }

	// static method
	static sayHi(text) {  
		console.log("This is a student.", text);  

var stud = new Student("Adrian", "Sterca");
stud.firstName = "Forest";   
stud.lastName = "";  
stud.studyYear = 2; // calling setter
stud.specialization = "Info EN"; // calling setter
stud.addGrade("Web", 8);
console.log(stud.firstName+ " " +stud.lastName + ": ", stud.grades);
//stud.sayHi("Hi");  // Error. Can not call static method on instance
Student.sayHi("Hi");  // properly calling static method
Inside class methods, we must refer to members of the class (properties or other methods) always using this. prefix. If we don't use the this. prefix, those properties or methods are searched outside the class. Code example:

class Student {
	transfer(faculty, specialization, y) {
		this.faculty = faculty;
		this.specialization = specialization;
		this.year = y;	  // if we write year=y, the Js interpreter will set a variable called 'year' that has a scope outside the Student class
Public and private fields
ES6 syntax also allows to declare public and private fields, but this is experimental and may not be implemented by all browsers. A transpiler like Babel may be needed. We can declare private fields by preceding them with the '#' sign. The rest of the fields are public fields by default.

class Student {
	id = 0;
	constructor (id, grade, firstName, lastName) { = id;
		this.grade = grade;
		this.#firstName = firstName;
		this.#lastName = lastName;	
Class inheritance
We can have class inheritance in Javascript, together with all the features of inherintance: calling methods from the base class in the derived class, redefining methods in the derived class.

class Person {
	constructor(firstName, lastName) {
		this.firstName = firstName;
		this.lastName = lastName;
	sayHi(text) {  console.log("This is " + this.firstName + " " + this.lastName + ". " + text);  }		

class Student extends Person {		// inheritance
	constructor(firstName, lastName) {
		super(firstName, lastName);	// calling constructor from base class
		this.grades = [ ];
	sayHi(text) {
		super.sayHi();		// calling method from base class
		console.log("I'm also a student");

Predefined objects

Besides being able to declare new objects (and classes using ES6 syntax), in Javascript we also have predifined objects that we can use. These predifined objects usually contain utility methods. The predefined objects in Js are:

Template literals

Template literals are syntactic sugar that allows placing embedded expression into string constants. Template literals are written between `..`. A code example of using template literals it the following which uses variables and arithmetic expressions inside strings. The variable name and the arithmetic expression is automatically replaced with their values in the string. Also, there is an example of multi-line string.

var name = "forest";
var str = `this is ${name}`;	// variable replacement
var str1 = ` this is a
var str2 = `do the sum ${1+2+3}`;  // computing arithmetic expression

The spread operator (...)

The spread operator can be used in order to copy or concatenate arrays, it can be used to clone objects (because Js objects are just multi-associative arrays). Also, it can be used in order to specify the arguments of a function, when calling that function, through an array. Basically, the spread operator takes an array and decomposes it into the component values.

var a = [1, 2, 3];
var b = [...a, 4, 5, 6];  // b = [1,2,3,4,5,6]
var c = [...a] ;  // array copy
var obj = { prop1: 1; prop2: "2"; }
var objcopy = { ...obj };  // object cloning
var str = "hello";
var helloarray = [ ...str];  // helloarray = ['h','e','l','l','o']

// calling a function with an array parameter:
const f = (arg1, arg2) => {} 
const a = [1, 2] 


A similar syntactic construct as the spread operator is the deconstructing feature. This feature of Js syntax allowes the decomposition of an array or an object (i.e. multi-associative array) into its individual components (array values or object properties or object methods) and using those individual components separately.

a = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6];
[first, ,third]=a; // first=1 and third=3

const student = { 
	firstName: "Forest"; 
	lastName: " Forest";
	age: 41
const { firstName: name, age: ageval } = student
// name will be "Forest" and ageval will be 41
const { lastName, age } = student
// lastName will be "Forest" and age will be 41

The strict mode

The default running mode of javascript in browser is a 'sloppy mode': non-critical errors are passed over, optimization is harder to achieve. Thestrict mode is just a syntactic element that introduces some restrictions to the javascript engine: it eliminates some JavaScript silent errors by changing them to throw errors, it fixes mistakes that make your code harder to optimize by javascript engines and it prohibits the usage of some symbols maked as keywords in future versions of ECMAScript. The strict mode can be applied to a whole script or to a function (not to a block). In order to invoke strict mode, one needs to specify at the beginning of the script or function:
'use strict';
Concatenating 'strict mode' scripts with 'non-strict mode' scripts can be tricky.

In the following code examples, we can see some strict mode mistakes converted to errors.

'use strict';
mistypeVariable = 7; // if no global variable 'mistypeVariable' exists
        			 // (defined with "var"), this line throws ReferenceError
// Assignment to a non-writable global 
var undefined = 5; // throws a TypeError 
var Infinity = 5;  // throws a TypeError

var o = { p: 1, p: 2 }; // syntax error (redefinition of p)

// reserved words: implements, interface, let, package, private, 
// protected, public, static, and yield

Javascript modules

As the javascript code run in the browser becomes larger and larger, module usage becomes important, i.e. separating the code into module files. The module files can be *.js or *.mjs files. It's a good idea to serve modules from an http server (not from the local file system, file://) so that we don't run into CORS issues. A module can export var, let, const, functions, classes – they all need to be in the global context. A javascript code can import every exported symbol from a module or just some of them. Modules are imported into the scope of a single js script, they are not available in the global scope.

Exporting symbols from a module
Let's consider the file module.js with the following content. We can export symbols from it in order to be used in other js modules using the export keyword.

export const symbol1 = "str";
export var symbol2 = 3;
export function doSomething(params) { ... }


export { symbol1, symbol2, doSomething }; //  at the end of file
Importing symbols from a module into a javascript file
In another module main.js, we can import the symbols exported from module.js listed above:

import {symbol1, symbol2, doSomething } from './module.js';


import * from './module.js';	// import every global symbol from module.js
In the .html file where we use main.js, we need to include it like this:
<script type="module" src="main.js"></script>

Importing into module object
We can also import symbols (variables, constants, functions) from a module into an object, called module object, and then using these symbols from this object.

import * as Module1 from './modules/mod1.js';
import * as Module2 from './modules/mod1.js';
// calling functions from mod1.js

// calling functions from mod2.js
Dynamic module loading
In Javascript, we can also load javascript modules dynamically as in the following example.

import('./modules/myModule.js') .then(
(module) => { 
// Do something with the module. 
// call functions


Javascript is an event-based language and event-handling and callback functions make a big part of the language. Examples of events in the browser are: mouse click, key pressed, element loosing focus etc. When an event is triggered by the browser, a predefined or user-defined (in Javascript) event handler takes control. Event handlers are javascript functions and are associated to a tag and an event. We can associate event handlers to tags and events in 3 ways in an html file, but we can also do this directly in the javascript code.
  1. <TAG eventHandler="Javascript code">
  2. <script type="text/javascript">
    function evHandle(x) { ... }
    <TAG eventHandler="evHandle(this)">
  3. <script type="text/javascript">
    obj.eventHandler="Javascript code";
A selective list of browser events is outlined in the following table.

A complete list of events is on w3schools.

Javascript and HTML

Js scripts can be used in HTML documents in 4 ways:
  1. as instructions or functions written inside a <SCRIPT> tag:
    <script type="text/javascript">
    ... JavaScript statements...
  2. Js code written in a separate javascript file:
    <script src="common.js"></script>
  3. using a Js expression as the value of an html attribute:
    <hr width="&{barWidth};%" align="left">
    JavaScript entities start with "&" and end with ";" and are enclosed in "{}"
  4. as an event handler:
    <input type="button" value="Press Me" onClick="func()">
The good way of including .js in .html file is using the defer keyword. The following line makes the browser run the js code in script.js only after the HTML document is completely loaded:

<script src="script.js" defer></script>
An this is useful when we have something like (a code that adds a click event handler to a '#button' button:

const button = document.querySelector("#button");
button.addEventListener('click', someFunction);
If the above script is placed in the <head>, the browser throws an error because the <button id="button"> is not loaded yet, so the "button" constant is null.

Pop-up boxes

In Javascript, we have some pop-up functions (functions that create a small browser window and shows it, where we can place various information from javascript) that are useful for displaying small information to the user, for confirmations from the users or for debugging. Although, for debugging it is more efficient to print debug information through console.log(...). The following is the list of pop-up functions available in Javascript.

The Document Object Model (DOM)

The Document Object Model is a standardized (by W3C) hierarchical model of an HTML or XML document. The DOM can be used for navigating in the document structure, modify the document structure (add, delete, modify child elements etc.) and also modifying attributes of an element. Each tag in an html document is a DOM object. And DOM has an API which can be used in Javascript. Javascript + DOM is sometimes called DHTML (Dynamic HTML).

The Document Object Model has an hierarchical structure as it is depicted in the following figure (this is just a small part of the hierarchical sturcture of DOM).
Copyright: Birger Eriksson; Wikipedia

DOM Browser Objects

The DOM browser objects (i.e. DOM objects corresponding to parts of the browser window) are:

DOM document objects

The DOM document objects (i.e. DOM objects corresponding to the HTML document and parts/tags of the HTML document) are: The Document object from DOM also has collections of objects (selection):
forms[]Returns a reference to all Form objects in the document
images[]Returns a reference to all Image objects in the document
links[]Returns a reference to all Area and Link objects in the document
anchors[]Returns a reference to all Anchor objects in the document

The Document object has many properties and you see a selection of these in the table below.
bodyGives direct access to the <body> element
cookieSets or returns all cookies associated with the current document
domainReturns the domain name for the current document
lastModifiedReturns the date and time a document was last modified
referrerReturns the URL of the document that loaded the current document
titleReturns the title of the current document
URLReturns the URL of the current document

A selection of Document object methods is outlined in the table below.
close()Closes an output stream opened with the method, and displays the collected data
getElementById()Returns a reference to the first object with the specified id
getElementsByName()Returns a collection of objects with the specified name
getElementsByTagName()Returns a collection of objects with the specified tagname
open()Opens a stream to collect the output from any document.write() or document.writeln() methods
write()Writes HTML expressions or JavaScript code to a document
writeln()Identical to the write() method, with the addition of writing a new line character after each expression

The Element Object

A DOM Element represents an HTML tag and it has the following properties (selection): The methods of the Element object are: An important method of the document object is document.querySelector(). Please note that document is a pre-defined Javascript Object, like window. document.querySelector(selector) returns the first element that matches the CSS "selector" list. Code example:

Another useful method is document.querySelectorAll(selector) which returns all elements that matche the CSS "selector" list. Code example :

document.querySelectorAll(".first, p.second");

Creating & removing elements (tags) dynamically

Using Javascript we can alter the structure of the DOM by creating or removing tags dynamically in the DOM as we can see in the code example below.

var p = document.createElement("p"); 	// create "p" tag
var text = document.createTextNode("text content");
p.appendChild(text); 	      // append text to tag "p"
p.innerHTML = "other text"; // set a new content text
var p1 = p.cloneNode();      // create copy of p
p.insertBefore(p1);	      // add another element before

p.removeChild(p.firstChild);	// remove first child of p
p.remove();			// remove p (the element itself)

Modifying elements (tags)

Using the DOM we can modify properties of existing tags (in the HTML document), because every tag in the HTML document has a corresponding object in the DOM.

var section = document.querySelector("section");
section.setAttribute("class", "red-section"); = "red";
section.innerHTML = "<p>test</p>";
section.innerText = "test";

Asynchronous programming

The Javascript engine is single-threaded, but we can still do asynchronous programming in Js by using other threads of the browser. A simple form of asynchronous programming in Js is using the window.setTimeout function.

var timeoutID = window.setTimeout(func, delay, [param1, param2, ...])
This code calls the "funct" function with the specified parameters after "delay" miliseconds have passed. We can remove the asynchronous call using:

which clears the timeout (async function is no longer called).

Asynchronous programming (promises)

Javascript Promises are an advanced form of asynchronous programming. A simple code example that declares a promise is the following.

const myFirstPromise = new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {   	
// do something asynch which eventually calls either: 
        // resolve(someValue); // fulfilled 
        // or 
        // reject("failure reason"); // rejected 
The executor function is executed immediately by the Promise implementation, passing resolve and reject functions (the executor is called before the Promise constructor even returns the created object); the resolve and reject functions are provided by the Javascript engine. The resolve and reject functions, when called, resolve or reject the promise, respectively. The executor normally initiates some asynchronous work, and then, once that completes, either calls the resolve function to resolve the promise or else rejects it if an error occurred. If an error is thrown in the executor function, the promise is rejected. The return value of the executor is ignored. Getting the returned result from a Promise is a little trickier. This is because Promises can not return anything, they just pass results to callbacks (which are specified with .then() function). Hence, we normally get the results of a promise in the (resolve and response) functions given as arguments to the .then() function called on the promise object.

const p = new Promise(function(resolve,reject) {
	// the asynchronous word - just a console.log()
	console.log("Doing some work...");

// without .then() you can not get the returned result from the Promise!
// we assume the Promise p is always resolved
p.then(function(result) { 
	console.log(result); // just print the returned result of the Promise

Javascript and browser compatibility

Browser compatibility is and issue even outside javascript (html, css). Different browsers show tags differently (i.e. have default styles). A web developer needs to reduce browser inconsistencies (using CSS reset or reboot packages). With javascript/ECMAScript, some browsers implement a version of ECMAScript, other browser implement other ECMAScript versions. So, we need to use polyfills (i.e. js libraries that extend the functionality of the browser): Core-js, and transpilers (e.g. Babel – takes a higher ECMAScript version code and converts it into a lower ECMAScript version code).

Javascript quirks

Javascript can be a very powerful language, a messy one, a language full of drama .. Here is a small list of javascript quirks (larger list is here):

0.5+0.1==0.6    → true
0.2+0.1==0.3    → false
typeof(NaN)     → number
3+"1"	        → "31"
10-"1"	        → 9
true===1        → false
true==1         → true
[ ]+[ ]         → ""

Browser API, Web API, Js libraries, Js frameworks

Js debugging tools

Additional Documentation