CSS - Cascading Style Sheets

Introduction to CSS

Before starting to describe the elements of the Cascade Style Sheets language, we should first answer the question what is CSS? Simply said, CSS defines how to display an html document (fonts, colors, layouts etc.). The CSS elements were added to the HTML 4.0 specification in order to solve a problem. CSS enables developers to change the layout and look of all documents in a web site by just editing a single file; usually CSS styles are specified in an external file, so if one wants to change the overall style of the website, this is the file that needs to be changed. The need for CSS, the problem we mentioned that CSS was meant to solve is that before CSS, there existed only the Html language and the HTTP protocol and this formed the World Wide Web space. HTML was intended to define the structure of a document (i.e. headings, paragraphs, tables etc.), not the formatting of an element. When style attributes like font, color, background etc. were introduced into Html (in the form of tag attributes), maintaining a large web page in which formatting/style information was scattered all over the document became a nightmare for web developers. So, HTML 4.0 allowed formatting information to be removed from the document and placed separately (in .css files) A simple CSS example would look like this:

body {background-color: #aabbcc} 
h1 {font-style: italic; font-size: 36pt} 
h2 {color: blue} 
p {margin-left: 50px} 
The above CSS example specifies that:
- the <body> tag should have a background color of #aabbcc
- the <h1> heading tag should use an italic font of size 36pt
- the <h2> heading tag should use a blue color for displaying text
- a paragraph <p> tag should start at an offset of 50 pixels on the left

CSS syntax rules

A CSS style is formed by a sequence of rules and each rule has the following format:

selector { property: value; property: value; ...}
where selector selects the Html tag(s) to which the formating specified in curly brackets is applied. This selector can be:
Pseudo-classes are a special kind of selectors that select multiple tags and they are different than the selectors presented above. The syntax of pseudo-classes selectors is:
selector:pseudo-class {property: value; ...}
selector.class:pseudo-class {property: value; ...}
And the list of pseudo-classes is: Pseudo-elements are a similar breed of selectors. Their syntax is:
selector:pseudo-element {property: value; ...}
selector.class:pseudo-element {property: value; ...}
The list of pseudo-elements is:

Adding style sheets to a document

There are three ways we can specify the CSS style for an html document: a) an external style sheet, b) an internal style sheet, and c) an inline style sheet. Examples:

/* Specifying an external style sheet */
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="style.css"/>

/* Specifying an internal style sheet */
<style type="text/css">
p { margin-left: 10px }

/* Specifying an inline style sheet*/
<p style="color: red; margin-left: 10px"/>
If multiple style sheets are defined for the same tag and some of the style properties are conflicting, their priority is (ascending order):
  1. browser default
  2. external style sheet
  3. internal style sheet
  4. inline style
In the previous section, we have discussed the selectors of CSS, but in the next sections, we present the visual properties that can be set through CSS.

Background properties

The background properties are CSS properties that specifies the background of an Html tag. They are listed in the table below. There is a shorthand property for setting all the background-related properties in one single line, background. The most used background properties are background-color and background-image.

A CSS example using background properties is shown below.

background-position:top right;

Border, margin and padding properties. The box model

The CSS box model specifies that each HTML element is a "box" from CSS perspective. This means it has a margin, border, padding and content as can be seen in the following picture. Not depicted in the picture is the outline which is an outer border in between the border and the margin.

The margin clears an area around the border; it does not have a background color, it is completely transparent, but we can set is width. The border lies around content and padding; it has by default the background color of the box, we can set its width, color and style. The padding is an empty area around the content; it has the background color of the box, we can only set its width. The content in the picture is the actual content (text) of the box/Html element. All these properties can be set independently for the top, bottom, right and left side of the box. The height and width attributes of a tag do not specify the total height and width of the HTML element. Instead, the total width and height are calculated by:
Total width = width + left_padding + right_padding + left_border + right_border+left_margin + right_margin
Total height = height + top_padding + bottom_padding + top_border + bottom_border + top_margin + bottom_margin

The border properties are CSS properties that allow us to set the border of an html element, actually all 4 borders, the left, right, top and bottom borders. Also they allow us to set the outline which is an exterior border (i.e. it is placed between the margin and the border - see the box model section later on in this document). We can set for each border the width of the border (in pixels, percents, cm, other units), its color and its style (solid, dotted, dashed, groove, image etc.). There are shorthand properties for setting all the above in one single line, for each border, border-top, border-bottom, border-left and border-right, also for each border feature (color, width, style) and one property that unites all of the border-related properties in one line border. All border-related properties are detailed in the table below.

A border CSS example can be seen in the following CSS fragment.

div {
border-top-style: solid;
border-bottom-style: solid;
border-left-style: dotted;
border-right-style: dotted;
border-width: 2px;
border-color: #00ff00;
The margin and padding properties are described in the table below. Similarly to border properties, the contain shorthand properties. We can only set the width of the margin and padding.

A margin CSS example is given below.

div  {
margin-top: 100px;
margin-bottom: 100px;
margin-left: 5%;
margin-right: 5%;

Dimension properties

Using CSS we can set the dimensions of Html tags, width and height. We can also set the minimum width and height or the maximum width and height and let the browser compute the actual width and height. These properties are outlined in the table below. They refer only to the width and height of the content of the Html box (see the box model above), not the total height and width of the Html box. The values to these properties can be absolute (in pixels, cm) or relative (in percentage of the dimensions of this tag's parent). It is always easier to specify the width and height in absolute units, but this is not the best strategy as it is not flexible (on different screen resolutions). Setting dimensions using relative units (percentages) is better, but at least for height, it gets a little bit trickier because the height of the parent, if not specified, depends on the height of its children.

Text and font properties

Various text properties can be set using CSS, like the color of the text, the horizontal and vertical alignment, the decoration of text (underline, line-through, overline), direction (rtl - right to left, ltr - left to right), shadow etc. See the full list in the table below.

An example that sets CSS textual properties can be seen below.

h1 {
color: #00ddee;
text-align: justify;
text-decoration: underline;
text-shadow: 10px;
We can also set various properties related to the font of the text, like the font family, font size, italic text (font-style: italic), bold text (font-weight: bold). The list of font properties is depicted in the following table.

An example that sets the font family to Times New Roman (and Arial or Serif if Times New Roman is not available in the browser), the font style to italic and the font size to 12 pixels for all p and div tags is provided below.

p, div {
font-family:"Times New Roman", Arial, Serif;
font-style: italic;
font-size: 12px;

List and table properties

We can also set various properties for lists (<ul>, <ol>).

A list CSS example is provided below.

ul {
list-style-type: circle;
list-style-position: inside;
Table CSS properties are listed in the table below.

Positioning properties

The positioning related properties are depicted in the table below.
Generally, there a 4 types of positioning an Html element on the browser window and these are the following: For any positioning other than the default one, i.e. 'static', what matters is the setting of top, bottom, left or right, for which we can set values in pixels or percents (i.e. percent from the element's dimensions). These properties actually specify how many pixels to the left, to the right, from the top or from the bottom is our element placed. And the reference of these values is dependent of the type of positioning used (i.e. fixed, relative, absolute).

The z-index property defines the stack order of an element; if two elements overlap, the one with the highest z-index is displayed on top of the other.

With float, an html element can be pushed left or right allowing other elements to wrap around it. This can be used in order to place several elements on the same line (display: flex is however a better alternative). Html elements can float horizontally left or right (not vertically). float values can be: left | right | none | inherit.

Displaying and visibility

We can hide an element with consuming space: visibility: hidden.
We can also hide an element without consuming space: display: none.
Html elements are displayed as (this is the value of the display property; not all values permitted by CSS are specified below, just a selection is listed): We can make an image transparent using :
opacity: x – on Firefox, x between 0.0 and 1.0
filter:alpha(opacity=x) – on IE, x between 0 and 100.
