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JMP Jump Unconditionally Flags: not altered
JMP target
Jump Condition: Jump always
JMP always transfer control to the target location. Unlike CALL, JMP
does not save IP, because no RETurn is expected. An intrasegment JMP
may be made either through memory or through a 16-bit register; an
intersegment JMP can be made only through memory.
Operands Clocks Transfers Bytes Example
short-label 15 - 2 JMP ROPE_NEAR
near-label 15 - 3 JMP SAME_SEGMENT
far-label 15 - 5 JMP FAR_LABEL
memptr16 18 + EA - 2-4 JMP SAME_SEG
regptr16 11 - 2 JMP BX
memptr32 24 + EA - 2-4 JMP NEXT_SEG
Notes: If the assembler can determine that the target of an
intrasegment jump is within 127 bytes of the current
location, the assembler will automatically generate
a short-jump (two-byte) instruction; otherwise, a 3-
byte NEAR JMP is generated.
You can force the generation of a short jump by
explicit use of the operator "short," as in:
JMP short near_by
See Also:
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility.
Written by Dave Pearson