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Function 16h (22) Create File, using FCBs
Creates and opens a new file, or opens an existing file and truncates
it to zero length.
On entry: AH 16h
DS:DX Pointer to an unopened FCB
Returns: AL 00h If file created
FFh If file not created
Network: Requires Create access rights
Notes: You can assign special attributes to the file by
means of an Extended FCB.
The file opened is assigned a length of 0 bytes.
Therefore, this function is generally used to open
an output file, while function 0Fh is used to open
an input file.
This function is a holdover from DOS 1.0. It is
preferable to use the new style functions like 3Ch
to create a file.
See Also:
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility.
Written by Dave Pearson