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Function 0Ah (10) Buffered Input
Reads a string of characters from the standard input device until the
Enter key is pressed. Echos the characters and checks for Ctrl-Break
and Ctrl-C.
On entry: AH 0Ah
DS:DX Pointer to an input buffer; offset 0 (first
byte) of buffer specifies maximum buffer
Returns: See notes
This function reads characters from the standard input device, until a
carriage return is encountered. The characters, including the carriage
return, are stored beginning at offset 2 (third byte) of a buffer
specified in DS:DX.
Setup: Store maximum capacity of buffer (255 or less) at
the first byte at DS:DX; include the terminating
carriage return in the count.
On Return: At offset 1 (second byte) of DS:DX, DOS returns the
number of characters that were actually received,
not including the final carriage return.
Notes: If DOS encounters a Ctrl-Break or Ctrl-C, it
executes an INT 23h.
The DOS editing commands are active during input
with this function.
If the buffer becomes filled to within one byte of
capacity, DOS rejects all further characters up to,
but not including, the terminating carriage return.
See Also:
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility.
Written by Dave Pearson