Examination rules for the Web Programming course

Examination for the Computer Science section students

The final mark will be computed by using the following formula:
FinalMark = 60%LabsMark + 40%OnlineExamMark
When computing the LabsMark from above, I will use the following weights for each lab: html(9%), css1(9%), css2(9%), js(9%), jquery(9%), php(15%), jsp(20%), asp(20%).

The OnlineExam will be a practical exam (i.e. you need to write code) and will last 1 hour. The dates for the practical exams are: Please try very hard to come to the exam on the date your group is assigned to. It is very hard to organize the online exam if you do not respect your exam date. If you still think that you will have problems taking the exam on the date your group is assigned to, please write me an email before the examination session starts. It may be possible to have another exam date before 17th June with a limited number of attendees. Watch this page for further announcements.

The exam regulations requires you to have a working video camera, to use http://obs.ninja sessions (for sharing your video camera and screen) and to be active on Skype throughout the exam (use your Skype account that you used for the labs). There will be a student examination guide posted on this page later on.

Examination for the Mathematics - Computer Science section students

The re-examination will take place on the 11th of June 2020, starting at 18.00 hours. It will happen also on moodle.cs.ubbcluj.ro. Those of you who want to retake the exam should be available on Skype when the exam starts (at 18.00 hours).

The final mark will be computed by using the following formula:
FinalMark = 60%LabsMark + 40%OnlineExamMark
When computing the LabsMark from above, I will use the following weights for each lab: html(15%), css1(15%), css2(15%), js(15%), jquery(15%), php(25%).

The OnlineExam will be a quiz exam on Moodle and it will last 8-10 minutes.
The exam will take place on Sunday, 24th May 2020 starting at 11:00 am in the morning on moodle.cs.ubbcluj.ro.

For the quiz exam, you have to know the contents of the courses/slides: The exam will contain 20 questions in about 8 minutes. Of course, you are not allowed to use any resource during the exam (you should have one browser tab opened - the moodle.cs.ubbcluj.ro exam tab, 2 other tabs for the obs.ninja and Skype; you shouldn't have any other application opened on your computer).

Please make shure that you can login on moodle.cs.ubbcluj.ro using your student/webmail account. On Moodle please enroll to the course "Web Programming (IE2 ans MIE3)". Write me an email if you have problems with this before the exam. Sunday (24th of May 2020) you should be on Skype starting with 11.00 am (the exam time).

There is a test on moodle named "Test for practice" that you can take in order to prepare for the exam and see how the exam will look like.