Write a web application in PHP/JSP/ASP.NET which uses the following 2 database tables: - table Users: id (int), username (string), password (string) - table Assets: id (int), userid (int), name (string), description (string), value (int) The user should authenticate prior to using the application. After the user is succesfully authenticated, a web page with all the assets belonging to that user will be displayed. The assets that have a value higher than 10 should be displayed with red background color. The user then should be able to add 1 or many assets (using one single HTTP Request) using Ajax and Json HTTP requests. Grading scale: - 1 point by default (oficiu) - configure web environment, create DB, authentication : 2 - show all assets of the user; red color assets with value > 10 : 3 - add 1 or many assets using Ajax and Json : 4 (javascript code for adding many assets + server-side code) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Obs: The server-side technology (PHP or JSP or ASP.NET) is not at your choice, it will be fixed by the exam subject. However, you can change this technology to another one of your preference, but in this case the final grade that you receive will be cut at 6 (i.e. the maximum grade that you can get for this practical exam is 6).