Paper: Beniamin Movileanu, Christian Sacarea, Diana Șotropa, FACT – A Tool for Temporal Formal Concept Analysis, Supplementary Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Formal Concept Analysis, pp. 95 – 98, 12-16 June 2017, Rennes, France
Abstract: Formal Concept Analysis offers an elegant, intuitive and powerful graphical representation of landscapes of knowledge as concept lattices.
In this paper, we report about the current state of FACT, a tool for temporal data analysis and knowledge discovery. FACT is a web-based application which allows an online interaction with larger data sets in order to explore and analyze data conceptually. It uses concept lattices in order to extract knowledge from the data set. After presenting the tool itself we shortly describe an example and present the planning for further development.
Keywords: Life tracks, Temporal Concept Analysis, Web logs analysis, Conceptual structures, User behavior, Attractors
Presentation: ICFCA 2017: Poster & Demo Session