Paper: Sanda Dragoş, Christian Săcărea, Diana Șotropa, An investigation of user behavior in educational platforms using Temporal Concept Analysis, Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Formal Concept Analysis, 12-16 June 2017, pp. 122-137, Rennes, France
Abstract: In this paper, we focus on the problem of investigating user behavior using conceptual structures distilled from weblogs of an educational e-platform. We define a set of so-called attractors as sets of scales in conceptual time systems and compute user life tracks in order to highlight different types of behaviors. These life tracks can give valuable feedback to the instructor how his students are using the online educational resources, analyzing their behavior and extracting as much knowledge as possible from the log access files. This might also be helpful to analyze the usability of the online educational content, eventually for improving the structure of the platform and to develop new educational instruments.
Keywords: Life tracks, Temporal Concept Analysis, Web logs analysis, Conceptual structures, User behavior, Attractors
Acknowledgments: Diana Şotropa was supported by Tora Trading Services private scholarship.
Presentation: ICFCA 2017 – Session 7: Application