Assessment Lab Plan

Plan by dates
Laboratory Odd Week
93X/1, 937/2
Even Week
93X/2, 935/1
Lab Plan Assignment Due Till
1 October 2 October 9 Setup:
  • Discuss the requirements.
  • Help to set up the development environment.
  • Enroll in MsTeams.
ProjectIdea - See the requirements on MsTeams Assignment. Next laboratory
2 October 16 October 23 Evaluate/Discussions:
  • Evaluate the previous assignment.
  • Clarify the next requirements.
  • Enroll in the GitHub classroom: CRUD Project.
CrudProject - UI only - Native
  • Each CRUD operation should have its own screen.
  • You should be able to demo all CRUD operations, using fake/in-memory data.
  • Either Android (Java/Kotlin) or iOS (Objective-C/Swift) should be used.
Next laboratory
3 October 30 November 6 Evaluate/Discussions:
  • Evaluate the previous assignment.
  • Clarify the next requirements.
  • The same GitHub classroom project will be used: CRUD Project.
CrudProject - UI only - NonNative
  • Each CRUD operation should have its own screen.
  • You should be able to demo all CRUD operations, using fake/in-memory data.
  • Either of Flutter, React-Native, NativeScript, or Any other mobile multi-platform framework.
  • If the selected framework if something different than Flutter, React-Native, or NativeScript, you should confirm, in this laboratory, with your lab instructor, if the selected framework is suitable.
  • Unity framework is not allowed!
Next laboratory
4 November 13 November 20 Evaluate/Discussions:
  • Evaluate the previous assignment.
  • Clarify the next requirements.
  • The same GitHub classroom project will be used: CRUD Project.
CrudProject - With local DB
  • Convert one of the previous UI Only projects, at your choice, to use a local DB.
  • All the CRUD operations should retrieve/send data from/to a local database.
  • You should be able to demo all CRUD operations, using a local DB engine (No cloud services are allowed).
6th laboratory
5 November 27 December 4 Evaluate/Discussions:
  • Evaluate the previous assignment.
  • Clarify the next requirements.
  • The same GitHub classroom project will be used: CRUD Project.
6 December 11 December 18 Evaluate/Discussions:
  • Evaluate the previous assignment.
  • Clarify the next requirements.
  • The same GitHub classroom project will be used: CRUD Project.
CrudProject - Server integration
  • Iterate on the DB project to implement the server support.
  • All the CRUD operations should retrieve/send from/to a remote server and fall back to the local DB if the Internet connection is down.
  • You should be able to demo all CRUD operations, using your own REST server (No cloud services are allowed).
Next laboratory
7 January 8 January 15 Evaluate/Discussions:
  • Evaluate the previous assignment.
  • Clarify the next requirements.
  • The same GitHub classroom project will be used: CRUD Project.
  • Presenting the final laboratory with other subgroups or on different dates is not permitted.