Machine learning in finance - Portfolio Theory,
Mihály Andor
(15. Dec. 2006)
"Elem. of Information Theory", Ch. 16
GOOGLE and the PageRank algorithm
Székely Endre
3D image reconstruction using A.I techniques
Máté István
Gaussian mixture models and the EM algorithm
Puskás János
Linear Models for Classification
Szilágyi Róbert
(11. Jan. 2007) - - none - -
"The Elem. of Stat. Learning", Ch. 4
Kalman Filters for determining robot position
Cerny Melinda, Adorjáni Alpár
(11. Jan. 2007) - - none - -
"Application of Kalman Filters to robot Localisation"
Bódis Klára
(11. Jan. 2007) - - none - -
"Bioinformatics, the Machine Learning Approach"
Splines and applications
Bágyi Ibolya
(11. Jan. 2007)
"The Elem. of Stat. Learning", Ch. 5
Blind Source Separation
Zakariás Mátyás
(11. Jan. 2007)
-very draft-
"The Elem. of Stat. Learning", Ch. 5
Machine learning in finance - Forecasting with Neural Networks
Heindrich Henrietta, Rist Evelin
Gaussian process regression
Bernád Emőke
(18. Jan. 2007)
"Gaussian Processes in Machine Learning"
Boosting methods, an introduction
Kelemen Zsolt, Benk Erika
(18. Jan. 2007)
"The Elem. of Stat. Learning", Ch. 10
Boosting methods, an introduction
Máthé Zoltán, Kőrösi Zoltán
Clustering and methods for unsupervised learning
Potyó László