

Adds input elements to the BV set without altering the GP.


[residErr] = ogpemtpybv(cx,iOpt,addMax);


ogpemptybv(cx) - increases the BV set in the Gaussian Process net by adding the inputs from cx.

The addition to the BV set is sequential (i.e. a single element of cx at each step) and if the feature-space distance gamma between the subspace determined by the BV set and the input is smaller than the threshold (stored in the structure net), then the respective input is not added. This helps mantaining a well-conditioned Gram matrix.

A second form of adding elements to the BV set is to add them according to the "novelty" they bring, measured by the distance from the subspace determined by the existing BVs. This requires a nonzero value iOpt as the third argument to the function:

[net] = ogpemptybv(net,cx,iOpt)

There is a possibility to limit the number of added BVs by specifying a fourth argument

[net] = ogpemptybv(net,cx,iOpt,addMax)

which limits the maximum number of new BV additions to addMax.

If you want to limit the number of BVs and not have addition based on the distances (ie. iOpt==0), then you should call the function with four arguments, where the third is set to zero.

The additional output argument residErr tells the maximal distance of the new subspace from the input elements that were not included into the new BV set.

See Also

ogp, ogpinit, ogptrain

Pages: Index

Copyright (c) Lehel Csató (2001-2004)