Improving the Round Trip Time Estimation in Internet Routers

published in the Carpathian Journal of Mathematics, ISSN: 1584-2851, Vol. 20, No. 2, pp. 149-154, 2004.
Indexed in: Scopus

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Improving the Round Trip Time Estimation in Internet Routers


Darius Bufnea, Adrian Sterca, Claudiu Cobarzan, Florian Boian
Department of Computer Science, Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science,
Babeş-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca


We review in this paper the concept of TCP-friendliness and we debate one of its weaknesses. Unfortunately, this weakness reduces the practical applicability of the TCP-friendliness equation. For a very high percent of the Internet flows, the TCP-friendliness test may have wrong results. We suggest in this paper a router algorithm that improves the efficiency of the TCP-friendliness equation for some UDP flows. This algorithm uses the additional information retrieved by the router from competing TCP flows in order to obtain a better approximation for the round trip time as used in the TCP-friendliness test.

Key words

congestion control, TCP friendly, TCP time stamp, UDP flows

BibTeX bib file



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Darius Bufnea