Limita numar de lucrari 10. (10+4)
1. Licenta/Master
- Titlu: Strategii de generare automata a scenariilor de test
- Student: Radu Sergiu
- Sectia:SDI
- Grupa:
- Titlu: Bug prediction
- Student: Moldovan Andrada
- Sectia: ICA
- Grupa
- Titlu: Apache Kafka vs RabbitMQ - Performance and Fault tolerance
- Student: Dunca D. Laura
- Sectia: SDI
- Grupa
4. Licenta/Master
- Titlu: Active learning și/sau Federated learning
- Student: Satmari M. Iulius Gabriel Marian
- Sectia: SDI
- Grupa
5. Licenta/Master
- Titlu: Active learning și/sau Federated learning
- Student: Selaru L Emilia
- Sectia: SDI
- Grupa
6. Master
- Titlu: Test Case Generation
- Student: Cerbu Sfarghiu C.V. Vlad
- Sectia: SE
- Grupa
- Titlu: Emotion Based Automated Priority Prediction for Bug Reports
- Student: Moca David
- Sectia: SE
- Grupa
- Titlu: Testing Cyber-Physical Systems via Evolutionary Algorithms and Machine Learning
- Student:
- Sectia
- Grupa:
9. Licenta/Master
- Titlu: Test case prioritization in Regression testing
- Student: Rotaru Ioana
- Sectia: SE
- Grupa:
- Titlu: Software Product Line
- Student:
- Sectia:
- Grupa
- Titlu: Sustainability software engineering and sustainable development
- Student: Diana Birsan
- Sectia: SDI
- Grupa
- Titlu: Program Comprehension in Embedded Systems
- Student:
- Sectia:
- Grupa:
- Titlu: Application of Neural Networks in Testing
- Student:
- Sectia:
- Grupa:
- Titlu: Reproduce bug reports
- Student: Andrei Bogdan
- Sectia: SDI
- Grupa