SSVV (eng) - 2020-2021

1. Announcement on 19 February 2021

For the SSVV class we will be using both Canvas (for resourses and tasks) and MicrosoftTeams (online live classes).

Canvas ( 

To do: Please enroll in the class at the link that you received via scs email.
You will find there all the information about SSVV.

Atentie! Nu este legatura intre parola de pe canvas si cea de pe scs. La prima logare trebuie utilizata pe ramura "am uitat parola" si atunci sistemul trimite un mail pe adresa data de pe scs cu ajutorul caruia fiecare isi seteaza parola.

Careful! There is no link between the canvas password and the scs password. The first login should be used on the "forgot password" branch and then the system sends a mail to the scs address which will help to set your password for canvas.


Join the Microsoft Team InformaticaEngleza_3_SSVV, code:  orz3093

  • Lecture - Assoc Prof Vescan Andreea

  • Laboratory
    • Assistant prof Lorincz Beata (
    • Endava Associate teacher Iudean Bogdan (
    • Assoc Prof Vescan Andreea (
  • Seminar - Assoc Prof Vescan Andreea
Requirements for the SSVV_2021  link

Link for the LABORATORY attendencies  link attendencies

Link for the SEMINAR attendencies  link attendencies

 The Normal Session and Retake Session Exam Dates as in Academic Info:
28.05.2021, h 8:00 - groups: 933, 936
31.05.2021, h 8:00 - groups: 935, 937
2.06.2021, h 8:00 - groups: 931, 932, 934

Retake Session
10.06.2021, h 8:00 - All groups

Please have the ID card with you, web camera open and post the take-home exam tasks before/until 8:00 am in the date of your exam!

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