CMES - announcements - 2017

Announcement 7) in 12 June 2017

  • Retake session - exam date: 16 June 2017, hour: 14:00-16:00, room C310.
  • Exam - same structure
  • Feedback = 1p (if already provided in previous exam dates, no need for a new file)
  • Mindmap for retake session = 1p  - see the course homepage (or here)
  •  Students that want to participate to upgrade the final grade MUST sent an email and ask for the mindmap notion.

Announcement 6)

26 May 2017

  • CMES laboratories may be delivered LAST in 26.05.2017, during last lecture, hour: 16:00-16:50, room C335.
  • Remark: The solutions must be presented in class. If the project is not presented in class and only sent by email, the maximal final grade will be 5.

Announcement 5)

19 May 2017

  • Final Exam structure added on the page of the CMES
  • Feedback questions (1p for the final exam) were added.
  • Mindmap CMES notions (1 p for the final exam) were added.

Announcement 4)

27 April 2017

  • National Instruments - invited lecture+seminar = Lecture10+ Seminar5 on 5 May 2017 - hours 16-18-20
  • Seminar 4 from 14 April 2017 moved to 12 May 2017 - due to students requests
  • Deadline homeworks JSpin and LPCXPRESSO: 12 May 2017

Announcement 3)

7 April 2017

  • Seminar 4 from 14 April 2017 moved to 5 May 2017, thus present:
    • Homework JSpin (Seminar 2) with maximal grade
    • Homework LPCEXPRESSO (Seminar 3) with maximal grade (or 28 April 2017 as stated in the assignment file)
  • Seminar 5 from 5 May 2017 moved to 12 May 2017 - NI presentation, the Office Building

Announcement 2)

6 April 2017

  • slides - NTT Data presentation - provided. See Lecture 5
  • teams files for laboratory 3 - See Laboratory 3 section.

Announcement 1)

24 March 2017 - please install on your computers the LPCXpresso. See instructions on Lab 03.

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