SSVV 2016 - Announcements

30 May 2016- AcademicInfo - online grades - verification

  • Please check your grade into the online AcademicInfo system and notify me by EMAIL if there are error by 3 of June 2016.

23 May 2016- laboratory assignment solutions - Lab 1, 2,3,4,5

  • Please bring a cd/dvd with all your laboratory assignments and solutions at the exam date (or in room 404 in Campus or at the tehnician room, i.e. near C335 room in Campus). You can add in the same cd/dvd laboratories' files from more students, even from different groups! The laboratories need to be archived as a justification of your grades.

23 May 2016 - retake session

  • Retake session: − If the lab activity and/or practical activity is not >=5 then during the written examination in the retake sesson - an extra subject is given, but the maximum grade is 5 (to lab activity and practical activity) and must be minimum 5. Extra 20 minutes.

11 May 2016 - Evaluations -please evaluate each of the followings - deadline 15 mai 2016:

6 May 2016 

  • Lecture 11 from 9 May 2016 - rescheduled to 16 May 2016, same hours! Reason: participation to a habilitation thesis.

2 May 2016 

  • Laboratory 6  on 10 May and 17 May - different laboratory rooms: from L336 moved to L343!

22 April 2016 

  • All students that didn't participated at the Practical exam (during Lab 04) are invited to take the Practical exam during the last lecture on 16 May 2016 (on paper). Same subjects: White-box testing and Black-box testing.
  • During Lab 06 you will have to "solve" the assignment during class (first hour, first 15 minutes). Please come with your own semi-group!

12 April 2016 

Seminar from 26 April 2016 moved to 19 April 2016, from 14-16, room C512

28 March 2016 

  • Due to personal problem, the seminar and laboratory from 29 March 2016 from 12:00 and 14:00 will be rescheduled as follow:
    a) Seminar from 29 March 2016 to 30 March 2016, from 12-14 or 14-16, room C510
    b) Laboratory from 29 Marcch 2016 to 31 March 2016, from 8-10 or 10-12 or 12-14 or 14-16.

10 March 2016

  • In 10 March 2016, Laboratory hours from 8:00 to 16:00 - will be rescheduled for next week, smae hours.

9 March 2016

  • Lecture number 6 (EVOSON presentation) - from 28 March rescheduled in 1 April 2016, hours:12-14, room: A2, FSEGA building
  • Lecture number 9 - (ISDC presentation) from 18 April rescheduled in 22 April 2016, hours:12-14, room: A2, FSEGA building

7 March 2016

  • SSVV seminar with group number 931 - rescheduled  to 16 March 2016 from 12-14, room C510 with group 932

22.02.2016 - First week modifications

  • Seminar with group 931 - moved on week 2 with group 932
  • Seminar with group 933 - moved on week 2 with group 934 
  • Laboratory for groups 931, 932, 933, 934 - in the second week only!

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